Chapter 3 - Haman

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Traveling to Haman:

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Traveling to Haman:

"are you ready" hongjoong asked me as him and Jongho were filling up the trunck with supplies and extra weapons.

"yeah I am, what specific thing are we going for" I responded, passing hongjoong a crate full of amo and guns.

"anything you find but specifically medication" yeosang spoke from behind me. I turned around to see a cute smile pasltered on the pretty doctors face.

"be safe" Yunho added and seonghwa started the engene. I was about to get into the car until mingi stopped me, wrapping me in a tight hug which I didn't return.

"be safe okay and take care of seonghwa and our captain" mingi said and I nodded,entering the car and waiting on hongjoong to finish putting the last crate in the trunck.

"san, your in charge until I come back" hongjoong yelled over to eye patch boy, as he entered the car, allowing seonghwa to finally drive away to our destination...



"there's no way we can move this log and going around it isn't an option" seonghwa spoke as he examined the fallen tree that blocked our path.

"we can just take a different rout, there are many ways to get to Haman from Sanin" i mentioned, watching the two boys as they tryed to move the huge log of the road.

"we can't turn back" hongjoong snapped at me, kicking the log from anger and frustration.

"so what do you want to do, walk" I said, walking up to him and sitting beside him on the dirty, stone path.

"she's right, the best thing we can do is turn around and find a different rout" seonghwa agreed, lending me and hongjoong a hand.

"okay, let's just get to haman before dawn" hongjoong muttered and I entered the car.


Day 1:

"we're here" seonghwa said as he parked the car in front of an old, rust building that looked like a farm shed.

"what the hell are we going to find at a farm" i asked with an unbothered tone. "crops" seonghwa responded, taking out his knife and investigating the souranding area.

I took out my pocket knife and slowly made my way in side the barn, looking for any sign of death.

"clear" I heard seonghwa yell from outside. "clear" hongjoong yelled as him and seonghwa entered the barn.

"it's clear in here too" I said as I lowered my knife, making my way over to the boys, but I felt a heavy object fall on top of me, causing me to stumble to the ground.

"Minhea!" the boys screamed as they rushed over to me, pushing the zombie of my body and piercing a knife through its brain.

"are you okay" hongjoong asked with a worried expression, lending me his hand as I nodded, picking up my knife from the cold floor.

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