Chapter 2 - Cheon Minhea Pt.2

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The room was dark and the ceiling got more and more boring the longer I stared at it

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The room was dark and the ceiling got more and more boring the longer I stared at it. The memory of the horrid dream I had couldn't leave my mind as I replayed its events.


The cold chains where tight around my hands and feet, causing me no possible movement as I was chained to a wall, sitting on a cold, stone floor, with ripped, dirty cloths, bruises and cuts covering my body, alone in a dark room.

"Minhea" i heared a male vocalise from a distance, his voice like an echo, getting closer and closer everytime he said my name.

I closed my eyes tight when I heared the voice whisper into my ear. It was silent now, the only thing I heared is my heavy breathing and unsteady heart beat.

I opened my eyes and in the corner of the small, dark room, stood a silhouette of a tall, strong man. He slowly approached my weak body, hovering over me.

"who are you" I muttered weakly, slowly lifting my head up to look at the shadow. I got no reply, just a giggle that echoed around the room and a small knife that he used to slice open my throught.

End dream:

I sat up in my bed, looking at the door and finally decided to go for a little walk.

I slowly strolled through the corridors of the small building, having apsolutly no idea where to go until I felt a presance following behind me.

I walked a little faster, finding a corner and quickly hiding behind it. I waited until the mysterious person was close enough and I jumped, causing the both of us to fall to the floor.

I pinned the person to the ground, trying to see their face, but it was to dark to be able to see who they are.

I stayed like that for a little until they pushed me of and turned on their flash light to shine it in my face.

"Minhea, what are you doing up" he said placing the flash light on a shelf and lending me his hand. I grabbed his hand and stood up, looking at him with a questioning face.

"where are my manners, my names Mingi" the tall boy said and I nodded, wanting to walk away but he slowly followed behind me.

"what are you doing up at this time" he asked and Ignored him, trying to find my way back to room.

"were you trying to run away" he added and I stopped causing him to bump into me. I turned around and looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"I couldn't sleep" I replyed angry, turning back around and walking away, mingi still following behind me.

"I know you think that we're bad people" he said. "but we're not, let me prove it to you" he added and I scoffed, stopping and looking up at the tall male in front of me.

"how do you think you can do that" I smirked and he let out a cute giggle, smiling at me.

"let me be your friend, best friend"...

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