Chapter 10 - The First Accident

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Sans pov:

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Sans pov:

"Minhea" i yelled as I ran over to her unconscious body, shooting the zombies that got to close to her.

"seonghwa take hongjoong and ill take Minnie, wooyoung clear out a path for us" I commanded as I picked up Minnie's fragile body bridal style and looked down at her sleeping figure, seeing a terrible cut and blood dripping from her forehead.

"don't just stand there, run" wooyoung yelled at me as he swung his bat around, knocking as many zombies as possible out the way.

I run outside with Minnie in my arms, not looking back at the hord of zombies running after us.

"Yunho, grab the bags and run" I screamed and yunhos eyes widened when he saw the scene, picking up the bags and running back to camp.

"there's a car, yunho go hot wire it, quick" seonghwa yelled over to the taller male and yunho broke into the car, hot wiring it.

The car started working so yunho and wooyoung threw the bags quickly in the trunk. I carefully put Minnie inside the car and seonghwa entered with hongjoong.

"you guys go, I'll meet you back at camp" I said, closing the door and taking out my gun.

"but what about you, we can't leave you" wooyoung said with a panicked voice.

"there's no space for me anyways, just go!" I yelled and I watched as the small, navy coloured car drove away. I turned around and saw the zombies getting closer and closer.

Hongjoong's pov:

I slowly opened my eyes, getting blinded by a bright light, until I realised that I wasn't in the school anymore but in a moving vehicle.

"Minhea, is she alright" I muttered weakly and seonghwa quickly turned his head to look at me with a worried expression.

"hongjoong, what happened" wooyoung asked, taking a peak at me through the review mirror.

"I was with Minhea, just checking the room, is she okay" I yelled out, feeling immense pain in my leg which caused me to flinch.

"she's okay captain, but what happened" seonghwa asked calmly, turning around to look at a raven haired girl that was asleep behind him.

"the ceiling suddenly collapsed and trapped my leg under all the gravel" I responded, flinching again and grabbing tightly onto my leg as the pain was getting worse.

I looked down at my leg and saw that the skin was ripped apart, showing me my flesh. There was a pool of blood sarounding my foot as red liquid gashed out my injured leg.

"when I was looking around for Minhea, i saw her on the floor with... a piece of wood penetraited through the, left side of her rib cage" I said out of breath as the pain was getting unbearable, making me feel sick.

"I told her not to, but she pulled it out" I added and seonghwa quickly turned around and applied pressure to the left side of her ribs to stop some of the bleeding.

"Yunho hurry" seonghwa yelled as yunho sped through the streets in the car.

Sans pov:

I ran into an alleyway hoping to get away from the zombies sight for a little as I was running out of breath and amo.

"shit, I have 4 bullets left" I said to myself as I looked behind me, to see if there was any danger.

Some zombies started pilling up on top of each other in the alleyway, meaning that is was time for me to run, but a zombie grabbed on to my leg, causing me to fall to the ground.

Panic flooded my brain as I watched a crowed of zombies make their way over to me. I tryed to kick the zombie that was holding on to my leg, but it was to no use as a zombie fell on top of me.

I quickly pulled out my daggers from my belt, penetrating the weapon through the two zombies heads. Their thick, red blood squrted all over my face and body as I pushed them both of me and run away.

I looked behind me and saw nothing, so I entered a random, abandoned house, to seek shelter and rest for a bit.

I held tight on to my daggers as I searched the house, seeing no zombies around. I took all my weapons out and placed them down on a table, later sliding my body down a wall and covering my face with my hands.


Mingis pov:

I was butchering one of the rabbits we caught in Sanin until I heard yells, calling for yeosang from outside.

I quickly exited the building and saw wooyoung and seonghwa helping hongjoong and yunho carrying Minhea in his arms as she was unconscious.

"what happened, where's san" yeosang asked in shock as he ran back into the building, looking at Minheas and hongjoong's injured bodies.

"san is okay, we'll explain later, we need to help Minhea, she lost a lot of blood" wooyoung yelled in panic as he helped seonghwa sit hongjoong down on the floor.

Yunho layed Minhea down on her side, on a table and yeosang carefully lifted her shirt to examine her injury.

There was a deep cut with tiny pieces of wood still stuck in her skin and felsh. Blood was pouring out like a flood as I watched the panic that erupted in wooyoung and yeosang.

"wooyoung bring the stitches and med kit QUICK! Seonghwa bandage up hongjoong's leg to stop the bleeding, hongjoong ill check out your leg as soon as I'm done with Minhea" yeosang yelled as he threw seonghwa a role of white bandages and wooyoung sprinted out to the cars for the needed supplies.

Yeosang took out a clean, white coloured cloth from his pocket and shoved it into Minheas injury to stop the heavy bleeding.

"atleast it didnt penetrait through her lung" yeosang said as wooyoung came back, passing the doctor some 100% alcohol.

Yeosang poured the alcohol all over his and wooyoungs hands before they started operating on her and I just stood there, watching the whole thing In fear.


Minheas pov:


"death follows you everywhere Minhea, but yet you always manage to escape its chains" the shadow spoke as It approached me.

"stop hiding your face, I'm not scared of you anymore" I said weakly and he dug his fingers into my fresh injery as I screamed and cryed from the pain.

"if your not afraid of me, why did your run? Why didn't you stay and try to kill me?" he whispered into my ear, digging his fingers deeper into the left side of my ribs.

"I didn't stay to kill you because I knew that one day I'll find people that will care about me so much they would die for me and help me kill you".

End dream:

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