Chapter 17 - Rain

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

Rain drops fell down my face as I walked through the town of Gimhae with hongjoong, Jongho, yeosang, mingi and san and the others stayed behind to take care of our camp.

The rain was cold and heavy as it hit my body, soaking my hair and clothes until we walked into a random building to seek shelter from the strom. I took out my axe and scanned the building for any zombies.

"clear" I heard the boys yell as I ventered deeper into the building. I heard faint noises coming from a room at the end of the hall. I slowly walked up to the room and placed my hand in the door knob until I heard someone screaming from terror.

I took a couple of steps back, looking at the wooden door with wide eyes, hearing my name being called around the big hotel.

The screams were loud and terrifying to hear as bangs were heard on the door and the handle slowly started to turn. I quickly put my axe away and took out my gun, pointing it at the door.

"Minhea, where are you" i heard san yell out as I heard footsteps approaching from behind me.

I slowly walked up to the door again and placed my hand lightly on the handle until someone screamed again. "HELP ME!". My hand froze on the handle as I heard the screams for life getting louder and more painful.

"Minhea, thank god your okay" san said as he run up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "what's going on" he asked, looking at my hand that was tightly holdimg onto the door knob.

"someone's in there" I muttered as I slowly opened the door but slammed it close as a crowed of zombies made they're way to the door like a tsunami.

"who's ever in there is probably dead now" eye patch said as he pulled my hand of the door knob and barakaded the door with a chair.

"we should go" he said in a soft voice and I nodded, running over to the others with san.

"what happened" hongjoong asked with a panicked voice as he run over to me and san with a worried expression.

"you shouldn't be running around captain" I replyed with a stren face, looking down at his leg and later pushing passed him to go outside and get some fresh air.

"is everything okay" I heard a male voice ask from behind me, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder before sitting down beside me.

"are you being kind to me becuase you feel pity" I said coldly, pushing his hand away and looking at him with a stern face.

"I'm not, I realised my mistake to late and I'm sorry about that" the oreo haired male said in a soft voice and a small smile appeared on my face when I looked away from him.

"let's go back inside, you'll catch a cold becuase of this weather" he said and I giggled, getting up of the floor.

"a cold is the least of my worries san" I giggled as I walked back inside the building, drenched becuase of the cold rain.

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