Chapter 7 - Day 3

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Colours of orange and red filled my room as I stayed still in bed, remembering the terrible dream I had

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Colours of orange and red filled my room as I stayed still in bed, remembering the terrible dream I had.


"Minhea" I heard a low whisper come from behind me. I turned around and saw no one there. "Minhea" I heard again as my chains got pulled harshly by something causing me to scream out from the sudden pain I felt in my wrist.

"Minhea, it's time to wake up, I have to punish you for trying to run away" I heard a low voice again and a sillouaghette of a man slowly appeared in front of me.

"who are you, show your face to me" I yelled and a psychotic laugh was heard around the room.

"do you remember the game, hit or miss" the shadow said as it reached its hand into its pocket, taking out a gun and putting one single bullet in it.

I watched as the gun was pressed to my head. "hit or miss isn't fun enough though" he said, pulling the trigger and laughing historically when I screamed.

"I want to close my eyes this time and play hit or miss" he whispered into my ear and whipped my tears. The shadow took a couple of steps back and covered its eyes, aiming the gun right at my face and pulling the trigger.

End dream:

"you always loved to play that game" I whispered to myself, turning my head around to look at the person who was still asleep beside me.

"did you have that dream again" I heard him mutter, still keeping his eyes shut. "yeah" I whispered and his eyes slowly opened, looking at me with a small smile.

He sat up, looking down at me, so I sat up too. "what was the dream about" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders, keeping my head low as I didn't want to speak about it.

"your always welcome here when you wont be able to sleep" he said and I smiled. "thank you seonghwa".


"why wasn't you in your room" San said angrily, turning my body around so that I could face him.

"she was with me" seonghwa said, walking up to me and eye patch. San looked at seonghwa with a shocked expression, not wanting to believe his older friend.

"what, all night, yeah definitely" san scoffed and seonghwa nodded, standing beside me and giving me a cute smile.

"Minhea, captain wants to talk, it's time to tell him if your staying" the maknea said, appearing silently and giving me a small scare.

"okay, see you guys" I replyed, waving bye to seonghwa and making my way to hongjoong's room.


"I hope you already know your answer" the captain asked and I nodded with a smile. "so Minhea, would you like to stay or leave" hongjoong asked, standing up to close the curtains as wooyoungs face was pressed up to the window, looking at us with curiosity.

"I've been through many things during this apocalypse, captain" I mentioned as hongjoong closed the curtains and looked at me. "you guys are definitely the best thing that has happened to me" I added and hongjoong smiled, walking over to me and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"your the best thing that has happened to us Minhea, you made all the boys so happy" the blonde said and my smile disappeared. "not all of them" I commented and hongjoong turned my chair around and kneeled down in front of me, interlocking our hands together.

"give san some time, it'll get better eventually" he said and I nodded with a bright smile. "I'm staying" I said and hongjoong hugged me tightly.

Me and hongjoong both exited his room and saw all the other members huddled up outside his room.

"so are you staying" wooyoung yelled with happiness and I nodded getting attacked with tones of hugs and squeels from the boys.

"this calls for a celebration" seonghwa mentioned and all the boys agreed however, hongjoong had different plans.

"we can't, we need to get ready for our journey to Busan" hongjoong authorised and all the boys pouted.

"come on captain, just this once" the maknea pleaded with puppy eyes however, the captain still disagreed.

"come on hongjoong, they really want this party, do it for them, just this once" I whispered and the captain sighed, looking at all our pouting faces.

"oh alright, but seonghwa don't you dare get all flirty with everyone again, yunho your only allowed up to 5 drinks and san don't even think about killing zombies naked again, I won't be saving you this time" the blonde commanded and I looked at the 3 boys with shock.

"Minhea i hope your not crazy when you drink" hongjoong asked and I replyed saying "I'm a pro at drinking".


I was sitting down on the grass, leening my body on a tree behind me, with an alcoholic drink in my hand.

"I'm happy that your staying, I feel like we needed a girl in the group" mingi said as he took a seat next to me on the grass.

"in what context do you feel you needed a girl to join huh, Song Mingi" I asked, giggling. "not in the context your thinking" he replyed and I smiled, pouring him and I another drink from the bottle of whiskey I stole from the table.

"girls are really smart and think first before doing something, unlike us guys, I'm surprised all of us are even still alive" the oreo haired boy commented.

"I'm not that smart, acctualy, I'm surprised I'm even alive, I should be dead" I said, looking down at my hands.

"Yunho i said 5 drinks not 10 drinks and 7 shots. Yeosang stop eating the food, we don't have much left. Seonghwa, please don't... Oh whatever... SAN! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TAKING OFF YOUR CLOTHES!" the captain screamed at the members and I giggled, watching all the boys having fun.

"let me go help the poor captain" I said, giving mingi the whiskey bottle and walking up to hongjoong who was taking away all the alcohol.

"Minhea please go take control of seonghwa" he asked and I nodded, seeing the older flirting with wooyoung who was stopping san from getting naked.

"these boys really are crazy when they drink" I said, giggling as I pat seonghwa's back as a sign to say 'enough'.

"please take san to his room, I'll deal with seonghwa" he asked, taking the older friend away with force.

"come on san, it's time to go" I authorised and he just looked at me with a blank expression.

"I don't want to go anywhere with you" he said, taking a seat on the picnic bench and crossing his arms like a child.

"just move your ass eye patch" i said, taking his hand and pulling him in the direction of my room as I didn't know where his room was.


I layed san down in my bed and took of his shoes, nicely tucking him under the covers.

"I don't understand you" he muttered and I stared at him with a confused expression. "why are you so kind to me when I treat you so badly" he added and I ignored him, walking over to the door and opening it slightly until it got slammed shut.

"answer me Minnie" he whispered into my ear as I kept my eyes focused on the wooden, white door in front of me.

I felt his chest lightly press on my back and his hand was still keeping the door shut. "go to sleep san, your drunk" I responded and he scoffed, turning my body around to face him.

"drunk words are sober thoughts, arnt they and right now all I want is for you to stay with me" he whispered softly, bringing his face closer to mine and I pushed him away, looking at him with wide eyes and shock.

"go to sleep san" I commanded and left my room, slamming the door shut and letting my body slowly slide down the door and hit the cold floor.

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