Chapter 30 - Military

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

It's been a week and I finally got better, which meant I could go to the military base to look for the weapons with the boys.

"are you ready to go" san asked with a smile, wrapping his hand around my waist. I was going to answer him but I saw mingi looking at us so I quickly moved away, picking up my axe and exciting the building.

It was a cloudy and cold day in Busan, the clouds were gray and gloomy, just like the city sarounding us. I looked up at the sky, closing my eyes to deeply think over some things until someone broke the silence.

"Minhea, can you help me with these box's" my brunette friend called out and I walked up to him, tucking my axe into my belt and helping him out with the box's.

"what's up with you and san" seonghwa asked and I shrugged my shoulders, passing him a crate of raw meat which belonged to my best friend mingi.

"Minhea i can see that your pushing him away again" he said taking the crate from my hands and placing it on the ground before taking both my hands and looking at me with worrie.

"I know that I can tell you everything seonghwa, but nothings wrong" I reassured him, taking my hands out of his hold and walking back into the building.

I saw hongjoong and Jongho talking about something, so I walked up to them to see what was going on.

"ahh, Minhea, is everything ready" hongjoong asked, putting some bullets into his gun. "yes we are all ready to go" I answered and he nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder before leaving the building with Jongho.


We excited the cars outside the military base that was sarounded by a huge barbe wire fence.

"how do we get in" woojin asked as she stepped closer to the gate, looking at all the zombies that walked around the area on the other side of the fence which separated us.

"look, the fence has a hole we could enter through, other there" seonghwa answered, pointing at our entrance into the huge building.

"everyone be quite as we enter, we don't want to alarm the zombies" hongjoong commanded and we all nodded before Jongho entered the military base first.

I entered last, accidentally cutting my arm on the fences wire as I was taking out my axe. I walked up to yunho, standing beside him as we all looked for a possible entrance into the building.

"there's to many zombies, we'll die quicker by the time we get to the building" Yunho complained as I nodded, cutting into a zombies head and kicking its rotten body to the cold ground.

"Jongho, you done some research on this building once right, think of a way to get us in" hongjoong authorised penetrating a small pocket knife into a zombies eye and pulling it out with it's felsh.

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