Chapter 11 - Strangers

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Sans pov:

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Sans pov:

I was seated on the floor, tierd and out of breath as I waited for the zombies to pass. It was the next day and I just hoped the boys made it with Minhea and hongjoong back to camp.

"don't move or I'll shoot your head off" a males voice said from behind me and I raised my hands up, slowly turning around to face a raven haired male who sadly wasn't alone.

"I don't mean any harm, I was just running away from zombies" I replyed and the raven haired male lowered his gun as a nother, much stronger black haired approached me.

"where's your group" he asked in a low voice, looking into my eye with evil. "I'm alone" I replyed, looking at him with anger and he smirked, picking me up of the floor by my shirt.

"don't lie to me, I just want to see if you have someone I'm looking for and I'll leave" the man that I think is the leader said and I nodded slowly, thinking that the man could be talking about Minnie.

"fine, I'll take you to them" I said with defeat and he pat my head, plastering a smile on his face.


Yeosangs pov:

"how are you feeling" I asked as I helped Minhea sit up on the table. "I'm okay, is san still not back" she asked, looking at me with worrie.

"he's not, if he's not back by tomorrow then wooyoung, Jongho and seonghwa will go looking for him" I answered and a small smile showed itself on her face.

"ill go check on hongjoong, you rest okay" I said as I placed a hand on her shoulder and left.

Minheas pov:

I held tightly to the left side of my ribs as I layed down on the table, feeling tierdness slowly consume me.


"how dare you not do what I want" the shadow yelled at me so loud, its voice echoed around the small, concrete room.

"just let me go" I screamed, trying to break free from the monsters strong hold. I digged my teeth into his arm, ripping of some skin and spitting it out as he pushed me to the floor.

"you bitch" he said as he punched me and climed on top of my weak body. "you do what I say Minhea, you follow my rules" he screamed, getting of me and turning my body around, pushing my chest and head to the floor.

I screamed and cryed as he ripped my shirt of and took out his knife. "you listen to me or get punished Cheon Minhea" he said and I let out loud screams and crys as his knife got stabbed into my neck and slowly moved down, cutting my neck and my back.

End dream:

I shot up with wide eyes, placing my hand at the back of my neck and feeling the scar that has left me traumatised for life.

Tears cut my cheek and mingi quickly ran over to me, wrapping my body around his strong arms.

"another dream" he whispered and I nodded, snuggling my head into his chest and flinching a little at the sudden pain in my side.


Sans pov:

"we're here" I said, stopping outside the abandoned factory building. "let me just go get the person in charge" I said, wanting to enter the building, but the leader placed a hand on my shoulder.

"don't you even dare do something, cause ill find you and rip your second eye out" the black haired male threatened and I nodded, walking away.

"you have 20 minutes" he added as I entered the huge building.

I run inside, looking for hongjoong and the others. "hongjoong" I yelled as I saw him standing up and walking over to me with the help of our maknae.

"san your back, are you okay" the captain asked with worrie in his voice. "I only have 20 minutes, but you have to get Minhea and her stuff out the building" I said as all the boys flooded in, looking at me in shock.

"what why" the captain asked with concern in his voice as I quickly explained the situation.

"there's a group of boys outside claiming that they are looking for a girl, and they are not nice people, Minhea isnt safe here" I explained and all they boys paniced slightly, looking at the captain for instructions on what to do.

"yeosang, grab Minheas weapons and take her out the building through the back entrance, go hide here, NOW!" hongjoong commanded and yeosang run of to do his task.

Minheas pov:

Mingi run out the room as he heared someone call out for hongjoong. I wanted to run after him, but the pain in my left rib caused me to fall to the floor and curl myslef up into a ball.

"Minhea" yeosang yelled as he run over to me with all my weapons and a really paniced facial expression. "we have to go" he said, helping me up slowly and I looked at him confused.

"what, why, what is going on" I asked with a bit of fear laced in my voice as I took my weapons of him. "san came back and there's a group of boys with him saying that they are looking for a girl, we dont know if they mean you".

My face went pale and fear took over me as my hands trembled when taking yeosangs hand.

"they are after you, shit" yeosang said and I nodded in fear as the doctor dragged me out the building.

Hongjoongs pov:

I excited the old building, looking at the men in front of me, holding up they're guns. The 8th male however, put his hand up in a fist and the guns got lowered allowing him and I to step closer to each other to talk.

"I'm the leader of the group and I'm looking for a black haired girl named Cheon Minhea" he said as he looked down at my leg and back up into my eyes.

"sorry but it's just me and a group of boys" I replied trying to turn around with the help of Jongho but the leader of the other group spoke again.

"you wouldn't mind if I had a look around then if she's not here, I'll be gone if I don't find her or I'll kill you all to get her back if she's here" he said with confidence and I scoffed, turning back around to look at him.

"you don't sound like you care about the girl, are you a bad person i should be aware of" I smirked with a grin plastered on my face as he looked at me and my other members.

"Bangchan" he said passing me his hand and I looked down at it with disgust which I hid with a fake smile.

"hongjoong, come on in"...


I can't wait to see ateez in London soon :)
This is going to be my first concert and the fact that I'm seeing my ult group for my first concert is crazy.
I can't wait to see all you atiny there in London <3

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