Chapter 19 - Monsta X Pt.2

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Bangchans pov:

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Bangchans pov:

"boss, shownus on the radio, he found Minhea" han said and I shot out of my bed, running over to the radio room.

I grabbed the radio and put on the headphones, waiting for shownu to speak. "bangchan, we have her" I heard him say and a big smile creeped onto my face.

"I'm back in Daegu, I'll be back in Gimhae in 4 days" I said as I took of the headphones and told han to bring everyone in for an important meeting.

I watched paciently as my members flooded into the room, waiting for the important information.

"we're going back to Gimhae" I said with joy, pouring myself a glass of takju and taking a sip of the beautifully flavoured wine.

"why, we just got back to Daegu" seungmin asked with a puzzled look, making my smile only grow wider from excitement.

"shownu radioed today" I mentioned looking at felix, seeing his body tense up and his hands tremble from my stare.

"he has Minhea"...


Minheas pov:

(A/N: mention of rape. Please don't read this pov if you find the subject hard. Move onto seonghwa's pov.)

We sat in silence, looking at the door, waiting for someone to come in, but it's been hours and no one ever came.

"do you think seonghwa's looking for us" I asked in a mumbled voice, leening my head against the wall.

"definitely" san said, placing his head on my shoulder and humming a sweet melody.

The angelic melody stopped as soon as we saw the door knob turning. Minhyuk entered the room, throwing  me and san a slice of dry bread and a water bottle.

"you dont want to attack me because your girlfriends here" he commented and san shot up, trying to punch him but I sat him back down, not allowing any sort of fight to break free.

"you have a really pretty girl you know" he added, slowly walking up to me with an evil grin, licking his lips whilst staring down at my chest.

"back off" san snapped, covering my body with his, but Minhyuk pushed him away and took a strong hold of my wrist.

"Minhyuk, I told you not to touch her" shownu snapped and san pushed Minhyuk of my body aggressively.

"come with me Minhea" shownu commanded but I didn't move, I kept standing next to san, feeling him tightly interlock his hand in mine.

"don't make it difficult Minhea and come with me" he said with annoyance, holding up a gun to sans face. My eyes widened when I saw the gun, I tried to get out of sans hold on my hand but he only tightened it.

"san let go of me" I said through gritted teeth, trying to rip his hand of mine, but he pulled me into his chest, keeping intense eye contact with shownu.

"your using her as a shield" the enemy scoffed, lightly pressing on the trigger as I tried to push him of me.

"your not taking her anywhere" san yelled and I rolled my eyes, lowkey hating this over protective san becuase he's going to get himself killed.

"Minhyuk, get him of her and have fun with him" shownu said and Minhyuk ripped me out of sans arms, pushing me to the floor and later punching san, to the point he spat out crimson blood.

"I always wanted to know what it's like to fuck a boy" Minhyuk commented as he punched san again, I got up and tryed to push Minhyuk of san but shownu tossed me over his shoulder, and all I could do was scream as I saw Minhyuk on top of my friends body.


"get in" shownu snapped, pushing me to the floor and punching me in the face. "don't think about trying anything or I'll kill those friends of yours" he added with anger as I cried and tried to throw a punch but he dodged it.

"I fucking warned you Minhea" he snapped harshly, as I cried and putched the floor, watching him leave me in pure darkness.

"fuck you" I screamed, running up to the door and banging on it aggressively until I heard a sudden sound coming from behind me.

I turned around and saw a shadow moving around in the dark room. "hello" I muttered, watching the slow movement of the sillouhette suddenly stop.

I stood there frozen as I watched it, standing there, looking at me, slowly moving it's body towards me.

The image of the shadow slowly started to become clear and I hit my back against the door, turning the door knob aggressively as the shadow got closer, its dull, colourless eyes staring deeply into my dark ones.

"fuck" I yelled and cried, looking for any sort of object i could use for protection, but the room was completely empty.

The zombie got close and i pushed it down to the floor, running to the other end of the room to get away from the zombie.

I screamed as I felt it grab my leg, causing me to lose my balance and slam down to the cold floor.

I kicked it's face and body, trying my best to pull the corpse of me whilst it climbed up my leg.

"get of me!" I screamed as I felt the zombie grab on to my thigh with its claws. I kicked it's face, hearing a crack in its neck, watching as the zombies head hang losely of it body.

I got up quickly, stomping aggressively on the zombies head, letting its blood paint my shoes the colour maroon.


Sans pov:

I pushed my weak body across the floor, trying to grab on to a knife that Minhyuk dropped on the floor, but I felt him grab on to my ankle and harshly pull my body back to him.

He turned my body around and climed on top of me, trying to rip my shirt of, but I pushed his hands away, kicking my legs and punching him to try and get him off.

"get of me you freak" I yelled as I spat in his face, hoping that would give me some time to push him off, but it didn't.

"don't fucking move, it'll be over soon, I'll be nice and slow" he whispered into my ear, grabbing my wrists and pining me down to the floor.

He lightly pressed his lips on my jaw, leaving dirty kisses all over it as I tryed to push him of with my body and luckly i succeeded.

I run over to the knife and picked it up, pointing it at him with a threating stare. "I have a knife kink" he mentioned, making his way over to me slowly. "your sick in the head" i yelled, trying to attack him with the knife, but he kicked me in the stomach causing me to cut his cheek and drop the weapon.

"what part of your gorgeous body should I scar first" He smirked, licking his lip seductively as he run over to me, cutting my cheek and staining the knife with my blood.

I grabbed onto his wrist tightly, to the point my knuckles turned white and I pushed him with all my power over to the zombies, enjoying the site of his flesh getting ripped apart and the sound of his painfully horrifying screams.


Seonghwas pov:

"we're here" I said, looking at the big building and stepping out the car. "I don't want to say this, but we should split up when inside" I proposed and the two boys nodded, following behind me into the building.

"we should be careful, just incase" Yunho whispered as I carefully opened the door, entering the big hotel.

"I hope they're here" wooyoung muttered and I turned around to look at him, a sad expression was plastered on his face, breaking my heart.

"let's split up, stay safe you two" I said, speperating myself from the two boys, hoping that hongjoong is somewhere here.


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