Chapter 39 - Right Person, Wrong Time

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Felixs pov:

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Felixs pov:

"if woojin betrays us I'll make sure she dies a much more painful death then her brother" bangchan said psychotically, looking at his comrades with a smile.

"we need to go to Gyeongju, that's where they are heading" han said and bangchan nodded patting his shoulder before walking up to me and hyunjin. "do you need any supplies doctor" he asked with a smirk, seeing me shake my head before turning my gaze to hyunjin.

"good, then we'll be leaving tomorrow" he commanded allowing us all to go rest. "felix" He said and I turned around to look at my boss who was looking out one of the big windows in the building.

"yes boss" I asked in a low voice, walking up to him, joining him next to the window. "I can trust you, can't i" he asked turning his gaze from the big buildings to me.

"of course" I answered with a smile seeing one also show up on chans lips. "good, you may go" he said and I left, quickly looking back at him before exciting the room.

"what was that all about" hyunjin asked as he saw me enter our room with an annoyed expression. "nothing" I answered as I placed my body on my sleeping bag and cradled myself into a small ball.

"hey felix" i heard hyunjin say in a soft voice until hearing footsteps slowly becoming louder the closer they got. "I love you" he whispered placing a soft peck on my cheek.

I turned around to look at him, seeing him laying there beside me on my sleeping bag. "I love you too" I muttered before lightly grasing my lips across his.


Yeosangs pov:

(A/N: I was listing to i dont understand but I luv u by seventeen when writing this pov and I just thought about how amazing this song fits with them two in this book)

"now that we all calmed down, tomorrow we'll go looking for supplies" hongjoong mentioned and I nodded, walking over to my sleeping bag, getting ready for my beauty sleep.

I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep but I felt like I was missing something... Someone.

"hey yeo". I heard a whisper from behind me. I turned around and saw wooyoung, laying down beside me. "arnt you supposed to be looking after woojin" I asked looking at the girl who was talking to mingi with a smile.

"mingi convinced joong to let woojin be under his watch" he answered with a bright smile which gave me butterflies. "that's good, I was trying to sleep but I felt like I was missing something and I couldn't" I muttered, looking into his sparkling eyes which suddenly saddened.

"are you still sad about your hand" wooyoung whispered with a sad tone causing me to roll my eyes. "not my hand dumb ass... I missed my buddy" I complained with a pout, seeing a bright red blush form on the youngers cheeks.

"the hand doesn't bother me anymore, i got used to it" I muttered with a smile, seeing wooyoung look down at my missing hand. "I'm happy to hear that" he mumbled before looking back up at me.

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