Chapter 40 - Grief

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

We all entered the dark and cold office building with emotionless faces. I lazily dragged my axe across the concrete floor, feeling a couple of cold tears role down my face.

I leaned my body on the wall, slowly falling to the floor, allowing more tears to role down my blood stained cheeks. I watched carefully as yunho set some lanterns around the room.

None of us spoke, it was completely silent. I looked at hongjoong who was slouched in a chair, looking down at something shiney in his hand. I watched him with glossy eyes until a tall figure blocked my view.

"are you okay" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders, watching him sit down on the cold floor beside me. "it's going to be hard, but it'll get better" he added in a soft voice before I broke down, feeling his warm arms wrap tightly around my body.

"it's okay, cry" he whispered before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "I could have saved him... I could" I mumbled into his shirt, gripping tightly onto the soft material. "but he saved you... He loved you Minhea" mingi muttered pulling away from the hug to whipe away my falling tears.

"you should rest okay" mingi said and I nodded placing my head comfortably on his lap, feeling his fingers lightly brush through my hair before drifting of to sleep.


"don't let go of my hand" I yelled feeling the hold I had on his hand losen. I tightened the grip pulling seonghwa with me, hearing a gun shot which sturtled me.

"don't pay attention to it, I forgot my silencer... Just run" seonghwa said as he shot more zombies. I turned my head back to look at seonghwa and our interlocked hands. "don't look back... Just run!"

I turned my head away from him, feeling a strong pressure hit my back. I let out a muffled scream as I fell to the ground, feeling his hand slip away from mine.

I turned around to look at him again, seeing a crowd of zombies form around his body. I watched his lips move but I couldn't hear his voice however, I heard his horrifying screams escape from his mouth when I witnessed the zombies digging their fingers into his flesh, ripping apart his skin.

"seonghwa! Get of him... No!" I screamed wanting to pull out my gun but I didn't have it on me. It was gone.

"Minhea... I-I'm dieing... B-becuase of you" he stuttered with tears falling down his blood stained cheeks. I screamed and cried as I watched the zombies dig their teeth into his skin.

"I wanted to save you... I did!" I screamed pushing my body out of the hold of anonymous hands, running back to seonghwa before I got tackled and pulled away by something strong.

"seonghwa!" I screamed again trying to break free from the hands that we're pulling me away from my brother. "Minhea, Wake up!" someone yelled as I fell to the floor, feeling a swrom of unknown hands surround me.

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