Chapter 35 - Kim Woojin

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Woojins pov:

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Woojins pov:

It was cold and dark in the small little hut i was in. I cradled my body next to the small fire, feeling some of its heat hit my skin.

"where are you brother" I muttered to myself, feeling some tears wet my face. My brother always protected me, he was my safe place, why did he have to be with his friends when the apocalypse broke out, why couldn't he be with me.

"shut up and get in" I heard a low male voice say from outside the building. My anxiety was out the roof as I picked up my machete and supplies before getting up and searching for a hiding spot.

"get of me" a way to familiar voice yelled at the top of his lungs. "brother" I mumbled as tears fell down my cheeks. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying my best not to burst into a fit of tears as my brother was here, with a very dangerous group of men.

"listen you fuck, your going to help me whether you like it or not" the unknown male spat out and I could hear a loud smack echo through the tiny building.

I couldn't handle it anymore, my brother was just inches away from me, getting threatened by some group of dangerous males, I had to help him.

I excited the wardrobe I was hiding in, quickly getting out my gun and pointing it at the blonde male who was hurting my brother. "taehyung" i cried throwing my gun and running over to my brother, wrapping my hands tightly around his body.

"leave my brother alone, don't hurt him" I pleaded looking up at the intimidating male with begging eyes. "who the fuck are you" he asked with a smirk, grabbing my hair and aggressively yanking me away from my older brother.

"woojin, don't fucking touch her!" taehyung screamed trying to reach his hand out to me but a man with darker hair pulled him away and pointed a gun right at his face. "I'll blow your fucking face off if you move again" he threatened and my brother nodded turning to look at me with worrie.

"woojin is it" the blonde asked kneeling down to my level. I nodded looking down at my small trembling hands before he spoke again. "your perfect, you can help me get my Minhea back" he said with joy laced in his voice and expression.

"I don't want to p-please... Just let me and my brother go" I mumbled in fear as the man laughed, patting my shoulder before turning his expression from joy to pure anger.

"listen sweetheart, if you and your brother want to live, you'll bring me Minhea dead or alive" he commanded and I nodded with tears in my eyes.

My body trembled and tears fell the more he spoke. "if you don't do as I say, I'll order Changbin to kill him and then I'll kill you" he spat out and I nodded before clinging my body onto his leg tightly.

"please, I'll do whatever you say, just please don't hurt my brother" I cried out loudly, feeling the blondes hand grip tightly onto my shoulders before aggressively pulling me off his leg and pushing me to the floor.

"good, let's get started, I know where she is" he said with a huge smile.


"do you promise its safe" I asked and bangchan nodded, looking carefully at the black van I was going to spend some time on.

"I wouldn't put your life at risk as I need you" bangchan replied in a soft voice, turning his gaze to me. "sit down on the brick wall, han give me the bat" bangchan commanded and I followed, sitting down and looking at the leader with fear.

"we need to make it seem like you hurt yourself when running from zombies" he mentioned and I nodded, grabbing felixs hand tightly as bangchan prepared himself to swing the bat at my ankle.

"tell them you sprained it" felix said and i nodded before letting out a loud scream from the pain I felt. "lee know, hyunjin, help her get up there" bangchan authorised and they nodded, helping me get onto the roof of the black van.

Hours passed and all I heard were my muffled cries for help and zombies scratching thier claws into the metal of the black vehicle.

"HELP ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, praying for someone to hear my calls and clearly god must have heard my prays when I saw 8 handsome boys and a girl throw their bags to the floor and pull out they're weapons.

Blood was all over the place as they killed the zombies, it was a horrifying sight to watch. The organs and rotting bodies splattered around the ground made me feel sick, how was I possibly going to bring a strong girl back to bangchan, i much rather die.

"seonghwa, help her down" I heard one of the males say as I slowly opened my eyes, seeing a gorgeous brunette male walk up to the van with an adorably welcoming smile.

"are you hurt" he asked as he helped me down, pinning his gaze down on my leg which was barely touching the blood covered ground. "yes, I just sprained my ankle when I was running from the zombies" I replied in a high pitched voice which caused me to feel embarrassed.

Seonghwa lightly placed a hand around my waist before helping me walk up to a brick wall and taking a seat on it.

"yeosang is our doctor, is it okay if he checks out your leg" the smallest of the males said and I nodded shyly, allowing the doctor to carefully pull up my trousers and check my injured ankle.

"what's your name" the blonde asked with a small smile. "my names woojin, kim woojin" i muttered, smiling down at the doctor who finished bandaging up my ankle.

"are you alone" a scary looking man asked in a low tone and I nodded with tears in my eyes as the image of my brother flashed before my eyes.

"my group, they all died, I'm the only one that survived" I said with tears streaming down my face as I pinned my gaze on the cold dirty ground.

"this is mingi" the small one said as I lifted my head, landing my eyes on an angelic oreo haired boy who had a huge smile on his pretty face.

"he'll be in charge of you until we gain your trust, your free to stay with us" he added and I bowed letting more tears cut my puffy cheeks.

"thank you, I'm really grateful" i said with a genuine smile, looking at the girl who's smile never faded away.

"I'm Minhea, i hope me and you will be able to be good friends" she said passing me her hand and I took it with a smile.

"I hope so too... Minhea"


Bangchans pov:

"how many of them do you know" Changbin yelled, hitting taehyung with the back of his gun, whilst I sat relaxed watching this all unfold.

"I told you already, i only know san" he cried out like a baby, allowing tears to roll down his face like waterfalls. "I'm the one that stabbed him in the eye, the fucker deseverd it" he yelled and Changbin turned around to me, allowing me to finally take control of him.

"your sister is so gullible" I laughed watching his expression change from anger to worrie really fast. "she really thought I wouldn't kill you" I spat out, kneeling my body down to his level, to look into his puffy red eyes.

"bangchan please don't kill me... I told you everything" he screamed in between his cries. A smirk curled up on my lips as I watched his weak state.

"your so pathetic" I said, grabbing his hair harshly and pulling his head up so he could look into my anger filled eyes. "Changbin gun" I commanded, reaching out my hand and feeling the cold object on the palm of my hand.

"it's sad woojin isn't here to see this" I whispered into his ear before moving away to see the sweat drip down his skin onto the damp floor.

"you promised her you fucker!" he screamed and I laughed, getting up from my kneeling position. "do I look like someone who can keep a promise" i asked rhetorically before clocking the gun and shooting him in the head.

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