Chapter 6 - Preperations

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Sans pov:

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Sans pov:

I stood outside Minheas door, asking myself if I should go in. I knocked on her door and entered, seeing her asleep in her bed.

"Minnie" I whispered, lightly shaking her body. Her eyes shot open and I froze as a small knife was put up to my throught.

"Oh, it's you" she said, lowering her knife. "your safe here you know" I commented and she rolled her eyes, getting out of bed.

"you never know what can happen" she replyed and I scoffed, walking up to her, next to the small window in her room.

"what do you want" she asked in a low, tierd voice, looking out the window at mingi, who was preparing the last amount of food we had left.

"we're running low on food, mingi, hongjoong, yeosang and I are going hunting, hongjoong wants you to come" I replyed and she nodded.

"okay" she said, picking up her axe and taking her gun out her night stand draw.

We both walked together in silence, outside the building to meet with the others. "good morning" yeosang said over to Minnie as she took a seat next to the blonde doctor.

"so, are you coming with us" mingi asked with a bright smile and Minnie nodded, making him squeel from joy.

"how old are you" the captain said, looking at mingi with disappointment. "what, I'm excited" he said, making us all laugh.


"Everyone has everything they need" hongjoong asked as he checked how much amo he had left in his gun. We all nodded and entered the car, finally driving away to our destination.

We excited the car outside a wood's, looking around the area for any sort of dangours. "I think we're good" I mentioned and we took our bags out the trunk and entered the dark wood's.

I slowly walked behind the 3 boys and Minnie, clenching hard onto my daggers, cuasesly looking around for any surprise zombies, lurking in the woods.

"hey, don't move, there's a deer" mingi whispered as I knocked into Minnie, looking into her deep, brown eyes and later apologising and stepping away.

"yeosang, your cross bow, shoot it" mingi muttered and yeosang aimed his weapon at the deer, shooting an arrow right through its head.

"we got it, we got it" mingi yelled with so much joy as he hugged the blonde tightly. "ill butcher it here, you guys go look for more animals" mingi said calmly, taking out his knife and walking over to the dead animal.

"ill stay with mingi, you guys go on withought us" hongjoong said and I nodded, walking deeper into the woods with yeosang and Minnie.

"so Minhea, do you already know if you want to stay or not" yeosang asked her and she nodded with a smile.

"I do know what answer I'm giving hongjoong tomorrow" she mentioned and I secretly smiled at her answer.

"so, what are you planning to do" the doctor questioned and Minnie let out a giggle. "you'll find out tomorrow".

Time has passed and we finally found some rabbits. "okay, let's try and catch them" Minnie whispered but yeosang aimed his cross bow, once again shooting the animal in the head.

"good one" Minnie whisper yelled, high fiving yeosang for his victory. Yeosang shot 2 more rabbits before they all vanished.

"ill go take these back to mingi, will you two be okay alone" yeosang asked, picking up the dead bunnies. Me and Minnie nodded as we watched yeosang walk away.


"Even if you stay, ill still hate you" i said and she nodded. "I know" she replyed, walking further away from me.

"look there's a deer" Minnie muttered, kneeling down behind a Bush, to get out of the deers sight.

"ill shoot it" I said, taking out my gun and aiming it at the deer, but Minnie lowered it.

"you don't have a silencer" she whispered with worrie and I rolled my eyes, aiming the gun and pulling the trigger.

I smiled with joy when I saw the deer, lifeless on the muddy ground. "come on, let's take it to the others" I said with happiness in my voice, looking over at Minnie and instantly getting hit with worrie and panic.

"hey... Hey Minnie is everything okay" I whispered, looking at her trembling body. Her eyes were closed tightly and she covered her ears with her hands, her breathing was really unsteady and I saw tears falling down her cheek.

"Minnie" I said, placing a hand on her shoulder and she screamed, hitting me and trying to run away.

I hugged her tightly as she tryed to escape my grip. "it's me Minnie, your safe, it's okay" I whispered, stoking her hair.

Her breathing was finally steady and she started calming down. "I'm sorry, please don't tell the others" she whispered, placing her head lightly on my chest as I hugged her tighter.

I turned my head to look at the deer and saw it getting eaten by zombies. "our food is getting eaten" I giggled and Minnie got out of my hold, looking at the deer with a sad expression.

I won't tell anyone, I promise" I said and she smiled. "thank you and I'm sorry about the deer" she said and I lightly nugged her shoulder. "I still hate you though".


"there you two are, found anything" mingi asked, holding a chunky bit of meat in his hand.

"nope, nothing" I replyed, throwing my bag over to yeosang so that he could put some of the meat in it.

"we heared a gun shot, is everything okay" hongjoong asked, placing a hand on my shoulder, looking at me with a worried expression.

"zombies" minnie replyed and I nodded with a small smile.


We excited the car and saw the others slowly flooding in around the car.

"did you guys catch anything" wooyoung asked and mingi replyed as he took the bags filled with meat out the trunk. "3 rabbits and a deer".

"so what's for dinner today" Yunho questioned, helping mingi with the bags of food.

"I'm craiving a rabbit" I said and the others nodded in agreement.

"rabbit it is".

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