Chapter 33 - My Body

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:


"what an adventure" bangchan said, throwing a cut of head in my direction. I watched as the head slowly rolled over to me, seeing the corpses long, brown hair getting tangled up in its flesh.

"woojin" I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks. "I never met someone as useless as her" he spoke, kicking the head out of the way before kneeling down to be at eye level with me.

"she wasn't useless" I hissed and bangchan laughed, lightly slapping my cheek.

"your alone now, get used to it" bangchan commented before leaving the room and locking me in it.


End dream:

I opened my eyes as soon as I felt a warm touch on my cheek. Sans eye met mine and a warm smile was plastered on his face as he lightly moved his hand along my hair.

I was about to place a kiss on his lips until someone opened the door. "yeosangs awake" Jongho said so me and san shot up, running over to where the others were.

"how are you feeling" wooyoung asked the blonde in a whisper as I watched yeosang look down at his missing hand with sadness. "empty" He replyed with a blank expression, breaking my heart.

"we'll help you yeosang, it'll be okay" san reassured and yeosang turned to to him with anger in his eyes. "I don't want your help! I want to be independent... But with this! How!" he screamed with his voice cracking as he lifted his missing hand for us to see.

"I won't be able to do anything with this, I'll just be a burden, you should have let me die minhea" yeosang cried, looking at me with a broken expression, causing my heart to break from his words.

"don't say that, I needed you, it was my decision". wooyoungs voice cracked as he spoke, engolthing yeosang into a tight hug which the older didn't return.

"Yeosang" hongjoong spoke up and wooyoung pulled away from the doctor, allowing the blonde to pay attention to his captain.

"do you need some rest or can we travel up to town" the captain asked and yeosang got up of his sleeping bag with wooyoungs help, walking up to the captain with anger.

"what do you think is best for me captain" yeosang spoke through gritted teeth and hongjoong looked down at the ground.

"we'll be leaving soon" hongjoong mentioned and yeosang rolled his eyes at the older before walking of with wooyoungs help.


When we finally arrived in town, we exited our cars and looked around the town for a place to set up camp for a couple of days.

"why don't we just go straight to Ulsan, we have enough supplies" woojin proposed and seonghwa looked at her with annoyance.

"maybe becuase yeosang is hurt" seonghwa spat out and woojin quickly turned her gaze to the ground before mingi side hugged her.

"I don't really care where we go" yeosang commented with anger in his voice and I saw seonghwa roll his eyes at the youngers comment.

"if so we'll leave for Ulsan tomorrow" hongjoong said, looking at yeosang to see his reaction and there was nothing but a blank expression.

"captain, I don't think that's a good idea" I said and hongjoong turned his gaze form yeosang to me. "I know, I wasn't being serious".

We walked the rest of the journey in silence before we stumbled across some zombies. I took out my axe, killing as many of them as possible and I saw yeosang pull out his pocket knife and try to attack a zombie which he successfully killed.

A smile appeared on my face when I witnessed yeosangs bright smile but mine faded as soon as I got pushed to the ground by a zombie.

I let go of my axe as I stumbled to the ground trying to push the zombie of but i couldn't as its grip around my wrists was strong.

"get of me!" I screamed, pulling my face away from it's rotting teeth and as soon as its teeth were ready to dig themselves into my skin. The zombie fell dead onto my body before I pushed him of, seeing a hand hovering above my head.

I grabbed it, getting up of the floor and thanking yeosang for helping me. "it's no big deal" he muttered before walking of but I took a hold of his wrist, turning him around to look at me.

"don't be mad at me for saving your life" I muttered with tears in my eyes as yeosang showed me a small smile. "im not mad at you, I just need some time... But thank you" he said softly before taking his hand away from my hold and walking of to wooyoung.

"give him some time, he'll get used to it" my brunette friend said as he approached me with a smile. "I can see his pain and it's hard for me as I'm the one that caused it" I said quietly looking down at the ground as I made my way over to the others with seonghwa.

"you didn't cause his pain, that zombie did" seonghwa said before walking over to hongjoong and interlocking their hands.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I'm genuinely struggling with this book. I'm trying my best to update but I'm going through a tough writers block.

Im going to take a little break from writing to think about what I could write and I promise that I'll finish this book <3

I hope that everyone who is reading land z is enjoying it becuase that would make me really motivated and if its boring please tell me what I could do to make it better.

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