Chapter 38 - Preparing For The Last Destination

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

"do you know where they're keeping your brother" hongjoong asked woojin who shrugged her shoulders with a sad expression. "last time I saw my brother I was in Busan, they could be traveling with him for all I know" woojin answered the captain as he nodded, thinking deeply about our next move.

"okay we'll go to Gyeongju, find a home there for a couple of months but also think of a plan" hongjoong proposed and everyone but woojin nodded.

"I can't leave my brother alone with them that long" the brunette snapped causing the captain to look at her with shock and annoyance. "do you even know where they are" he asked and woojin shook her head causing hongjoong to smirk and role his eyes.

"the best we can do is wait for them to come to us" hongjoong mentioned before I stepped in, telling them a much more effective plan. "or we can have woojin give me to them but with a bit of a twist" I commented seeing Woojins eyes sparkle as she stared at me with shock.

"no, that is to dangerous, I'm not going to allow that" san snapped and the other 7 boys nodded their heads in agreement. "if we wait for them to come to us then we'll be dead by the time it happenes" I snapped back, walking up to san with an angry expression looking up at him.

"you helped me, so let's help her" I said, seeing san look down at me with an annoyed expression but a soft sparkling eye. "we'll talk about this in Gyeongju" he said before picking up his daggers and heading to the exit of the building.

"thank you for trying Minhea but it's okay Sans right, the plan is to dangerous" I heard woojin say from behind me, placing a cold hand on my shoulder and later walking away.

"Minhea". I turned around to see who it was who spoke and my eyes met with seonghwas dark ones.

"the plan was good and effective, but it really it dangerous" the brunette muttered as he walked up to me, engolthing my body into a nice warm hug. "I know that you want to help, but we have to take it slow" he added in a slow voice, brushing his fingers lightly through my silky raven hair.

"but what if my plan worked and everyone is happy and safe, including me" I snapped, pushing him away from me. "we can't be so sure about that Minhea" seonghwa argued as I rolled my eyes.

"Minhea, please listen to us and san becuase he's right, we're not risking it" hongjoong spoke walking up to seonghwa, standing beside him and looking at me with sadness and pity.

"we might not even do anything then, her brother is probably dead anyway" I scoffed pushing pass seonghwa and hongjoong before angrily making my way to the excit of the building.

Seonghwas pov:

"she'll understand seonghwa" hongjoong spoke in a soft voice, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I hope so" I muttered placing a soft kiss on his forehead before leaving the building with hongjoong following behind me.

"so what's the plan, we get supplies then head for Gyeongju" mingi asked and hongjoong nodded, looking at Minhea who was leaning her body on a car with an annoyed expression.

"before we go looking for supplies, can I ask you some question about your brother" hongjoong asked woojin, seeing the brunette nod with a small smile plastered on her face.

"how old is your brother" hongjoong asked the shy girl who was stood in between wooyoung and mingi. "he's 27" she answered in a soft voice.

"are these questions necessary" minhea said in annoyance, walking up to woojin who was shyly playing with her fingers. "Minhea, it's okay" woojin muttered looking up at the older female with a soft smile.

"what hair colour deos your brother have" hongjoong asked the girl, shocking her a little by the random question. "last time I saw him he had black hair" woojin answered and hongjoong nodded.

"what's his name" Yunho asked in a serious tone, taking the role of a police officer. "his name, Kim Taehyung" she spoke and Sans head snapped in her direction, his eye looking at her with evil.

Sans pov:

"his name, Kim Taehyung". When I heard that name escape from her mouth, my head shot up looking at her with disbelief. "say that again" I spoke with venom laced in my voice clearly scaring the poor girl.

"Kim Taehyung, that's my brothers name" she replied and something in me exploded, filling my body with rage as I walked up to her, grabbing a tight hold on her shirt before slamming her body Into a car.

"san!" Minhea screamed trying to rip my body away from the young girls but I pushed her away causing her to stumble onto mingi who caught her falling body.

"your brother doesn't deserve to be saved, he deserves to rotte, to be tortured by them" I yelled, looking down at her with pure evil as I pulled her body closer to mine.

"san let her go" hongjoong ordered but I carried on yelling at the brunette. "your brother did this to me, your brother deserves to die" I screamed pointing at the eye patch that hid my nasty scar.

"my brother wouldn't do something like that" she snapped as I gripped tighter to her shirt before pushing her harshly onto the car. "your brother killed my friends and tried to kill me! All becuase he couldn't find you... Everything is becuase of you bitch!" I yelled feeling a pair of arms tightly wrap around my body.

"let go of me" I screamed trying to push minnie away, but she tightened her hold on me. "san, I didn't know" woojin spoke in a low voice as i burst out a pool of tears. "but I need him and I need your help" she pleaded and a new wave of anger took over my body as I tried to push Minhea away.

"I'm not going to help someone who did this to me" I screamed taking of my eye patch, seeing woojin look at it with shock and disgust.

I breathed heavily as I fell to the floor with tears streaming down my face. I looked up at her seeing sadness plastered on her face as mingi hugged her tightly, checking if the younger was okay.

I held onto the eye patch tightly before I felt minhea pull my fragile body into her chest, letting me calm down in the warmth and comfort of her body.

"it's okay san, just calm down" she whispered stroking her fingers through my oreo hair, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "let's help woojin okay, for me" she added in a hushed voice and I nodded letting more tears stain her dirty white shirt.


Sorry for such a short chapter.
But I literally don't know what to write anymore :(

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