Chapter 22 - Busan

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

"the car won't start" seonghwa said, smacking the wheel from frustration. "there's not enough fuel in the other car to get us anywhere" Yunho mentioned and hongjoong kicked the car from anger.

"put as much supplies into your bags as possible, we'll walk" the captain commanded and we all nodded, shoving the more needed things in to our bags.

"are you sure you'll be able to walk captain" eye patch asked, looking down at the captains leg with a worried expression.

"don't worry about me, let's just find a place to camp for tonight" the blonde replyed, picking up his bag and setting of for the city.

"what dangers do you think will meet us here" mingi asked in a quiet voice and I giggled, looking around the area.

"tones of zombies" i answered, pointing at a group of about 15 zombies heading our way.

I passed mingi my bag and pulled out my axe, going to help san, yeosang and Jongho with the dead.

I swung the axe at the rotten flesh of the walking corpses, letting they're blood scatter all over my clothes and skin.

"Minhea, get down" I heard yeosang yell as I duked down allowing one of yeosangs arrows to penetraite through a zombies skull.

I thanked yeosang with a nod as I quickly pulled out my gun to shoot a zombie which was inches away from bitting jongho's leg.

"we should seek shelter quickly, there's a lot of zombies pailling in around the area" yeosang mentioned as we approached the others and hongjoong nodded, passing yeosang his heavy bag full of medication.


The Sun was setting as we entered an abandoned office building which must have been under construction, until the zombie apocalypse broke out.

The rooms were spacious and empty, getting completely dark the lower the sun set. We placed down our heavy bags and put small lanterns around the small area for light.

"I'll go look for some sticks or paper to set up a fire" Yunho said, exiting the room. Mingi walked up to his bag and took out 3 cans of chicken soup.

"this should be enough for us 9 to eat" mingi said, putting down the cans and digging around the other bags for plates and cutlery.

"I found cups" mingi yelled with joy, scaring yunho when he came back with some sticks and a book to make a fire.

We all sat around the warm orange flame, sipping on our chicken soup with tierd faces. I rested my head on sans shoulder, feeling my eyes slowly close as I fell asleep.

Sans pov:

Everyone fell asleep as soon as yunho put out the fire and I carefully leened my body against a wall, letting Minnie's head rest on my lap as I brushed my fingers through her silky raven hair.

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