Chapter 41 - The Ring

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Hongjoongs pov:

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Hongjoongs pov:

The sun slowly set and the stars started to glow brightly in the night sky. I entered the small abandoned building which was close to my lovers grave, seeing all my friends seated with sad faces around a fire.

I leaned my body up against a wall, sliding down to the cold floor with tears filling my eyes. I glued my eyes on the bright orange flame which brought me back to a lovely memory.

"joongie, look what I got us" seonghwa yelled happily with a bright smile as he sat himself down beside me next to the fire. "necklaces, what are they for" I asked with a raised eyebrow looking down at the silver objects in his hand.

"the one with the H stands for hongjoong and this one stands for seonghwa" he said with a bright smile putting one of the necklaces around my neck.

It was a subtle silver chain with a small letter S in a fancy font dangling of the silver necklace. "you'll always remember me now and I'll remember you" he muttered softly whilst putting his own necklace around his neck.

A tear rolled down my face as I clenched tightly onto the piece of metal I held tightly in my hand. I looked down at it, tracing the small letter with my finger before putting the necklace around my neck with a small smile.

"I love you seonghwa" I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes hearing a slight sound of movement beside me and a hand being placed on my shoulder. "hongjoong" I heard yunhos voice mutter.

I opened my eyes turning my head over towards yunho whos eyes were crimson red and lips dry and pale. "how are you feeling" he asked weakly whilst I just looked away at a crying Minhea who was tightly held my san.

"I'm trying" I muttered with a single tear rolling down my jaw and onto my blood covered shirt. "I'm trying for all of you" I added with a soft smile as I looked at the younger who's eyes started to water.

"I'm here for you joong... Always" Yunho chocked wrapping his hands tightly around my body, snuggling his tear stained cheeks into the crook of my neck. "I miss him to... So much" I mumbled to myself as I brought my hand up to his head, pulling his body deeper into mine.



"seonghwa, brother, get of him, no!" I heard Minhea scream loudly followed by gun shots. I run as fast as I could with the others behind me, pushing through the thick shield of the dead.

I heard another horrific scream which caused san to push me out the way, running faster to get to his girlfriend on time. "san... San wait" I yelled out but he didn't listen as he carried on running deeper into the swarm.

As I got closer I heard him, his blood curtling screams filled my ears. I run as fast as I could, I couldn't even hear the screams and yells coming from my friends behind me. All I saw was san wrapping his arms around Minhea, pulling her away from something... Someone.

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