Chapter 18 - Monsta X

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eonghwa's pov:

The sun was slowly setting and the bright colours of pinks, reds and oranges painted the sky as I looked out the window, hoping to see my friends in the distance.

"they're okay seonghwa" Yunho said in a soft voice, placing a reasuring hand on my shoulder.

"it's been to long, and hongjoong's leg didn't even properly heal, I knew I shouldn't have let them go" I muttered, lowering my head to the floor as I didn't want yunho to see me in such a weak state.

"we need to go look for them" I said as I lifted my head to look at the brunette with glossy eyes.

"but what about camp and all our supplies, we can't leave that behind seonghwa" he commented, pointing at all our supplies that were scattered around the small living room.

"I don't care yunho, hongjoong is more important then the supplies" I yelled, widening my eyes when I saw his shocked expression.

"what about the others, hongjoong isn't the only one out there" he muttered in a low voice, turning his head towards the window which was covered in tones of tiny rain drops.

"I know, I'm worried about them too" I said with annoyance, brushing a hand through my hair as tears threatened to escape.

"then why is everything always about the captain in your own little fucking world, where are we in it" Yunho scoffed as he turned to look at me with anger.

"I don't know okay, just leave me alone" I snapped, walking away from the window to sit down on the couch.

"I do care, about all of you"...


Minheas pov:

"Minhea" i heared my name being called i a whisper. "Minhea, wake up" I heared again as my eyes flattered open to a new sarounding and a blarry figure which was tighed up to a chair in front of me.

"hongjoong" I muttered as his features came clear to me. Tears slowly cut my cheek from happiness of seeing that my friend was okay.

"are the others okay" he asked and I nodded as I looked down at the rope that was tied around my wrists.

"they're okay, but they took san to a separate room, I don't know if he's okay" I said In a low, worried voice as I looked up at him with sadness.

"listen to me Minhea, they know Stray kids and they are trying to contact them" he said with a serious expression. My body forze and my eyes widened as tears fell down like waterfalls.

"ill try to get us out of here, I promise" he reassured me as I cryed from pain and fear. My body trembled as I looked down at my tied up body, wishing for this nightmare to end.

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