Chapter 42 - Gyeongju

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

The sun shone brightly on my skin and the wind lightly blew threw my hair. It felt peaceful in gyeongju, like if a zombie apocalypse never exsited.

"hongjoong, is everything okay" yunho asked, glueing his eyes on the captain who for days walked lazly withought a smile. "yes, I'm just thinking" he answered to which yunho nodded wanting to leave the subject behind but I couldn't help but be curious about his thoughts.

"about what" I asked softly, watching hongjoongs sunken eyes slowly travel over to me. "seonghwa was second in command, I feel like I need someone to take over that role, but I don't know who" he replyed looking at all of us with a questioning stare.

"you didn't have to rush it and even if, we don't really need a second in command, your our captain that's all that matters" wooyoung said with a bright smile that made hongjoong nod with approval.

"wooyoungs right, we'll do well without second in command but when you make up your mind we'll agree with whoever you chose" san mentioned placing a hand on the captains shoulder. "thank you" he muttered with a small smile before carrying on with the journey.

"so where are we planning to stay" san asked looking around at all the dull buildings that sarounded us. "we'll find a place, somewhere" hongjoong replyed as we all laughed, watching him smile as he travelled his gaze up to the sky.

"for now we should kill those zombies" yeosang said sternly, shooting a bullet through one of the zombies heads. "can't we have a break" I mumbled under my breath, rolling my eyes before taking out my axe and slouttering them.

Bullets and arrows flew from every direction and the sound of objects colliding with the flesh of the zombies heads could be heard from miles away. It was a chaotic fight and it seemed never ending.

More zombies slowly sarounded us so I took out my gun and stepped away, shooting through as much of my targets as possible. "I'm running low on amo" I yelled out looking around for anyone who was ready to throw me some. "Minhea, catch!" yunho yelled out, throwing me a box of bullets. "thanks!".

The fight carried on and it felt endless, the more zombies we killed the more appeared in their place. "we have to retreat" hongjoong authorised, so we all backed away. "there's to many zombies behind us, there's no way out captain" Jongho yelled and i could see fear and disappointment in hongjoongs eyes.

"Carrie on fighting, don't give up and fight!" he yelled the command to which we all nodded, fighting with all the energy we had left.

Sweat started to drip from my face as the tension was thick and the fear only built up in my head. I looked around for any sort of escape, but there wasn't one and then my eyes landed on yeosang who let go of his gun to push away a zombie.

I run as fast as I could, shooting the zombie with the only bullet I had left to protect myself. "are you okay" i asked yeosang as I picked up his gun, passing it to him quickly so that I could get back to killing the dead. "I'm fine thanks, but your out of amo, Take some of mine" yeosang offered out of breath and I disagreed, shocking the older.

"I have my axe... You need it more then me" I said to which he nodded before shooting a zombie threw the eye. The fight carried on for longer and the crowed only seemed to grow and as soon as we all started to give up something happened.

"is that music" san asked in a loud voice, looking at all the zombies that gradually started to follow the sound of music which played from far away. "where is it coming from" yunho yelled as I spotted a car with massive speakers that was driving away, pulling the zombies with it.

"what the fuck is going on" woojin snapped as we all lowered our weapons, looking at the sworm of zombies that was following the single red car. "everyone stay alert" hongjoong commanded before we all heard a loud clap coming from behind followed by a faint laugh.

Sans pov:

I slowly turned around and my heart fell to the ground, I turned my head in Minheas direction and she looked terrefied, her skin was completely pale and her eyes were open wide, slowly filling up with tears.

"your welcome" he said with a proud smile, slowly heading closer to Minhea who luckly got covered by mingi's tall and strong body. "don't you dare step any closer" mingi threatened placing his hand on his gun. "I saved your life and this is how you repay me" the raven haired male said as he stepped away, pinning his gaze on woojin.

"woojin sweetheart, I missed you" bangchan said softly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, I could see mingi's face go red at the sight of hid girlfriend getting touched by such a bastard like him.

"don't touch her you psycho" mingi screamed running in for a punch but a strong brunette male hit mingi harshly with the back of his gun. "mingi" Minhea screamed running over to the younger who was bleeding on the ground.

"wheres my brother" woojin asked bangchan softly with tears in her eyes. "I killed him... I killed him the day we met sweetie" bangchan laughed loudly, watching woojin fall to the floor, getting pulled into a tight hug by wooyoung.

"Minhea... I so missed you darling" the raven haired whispered, pulling her long black hair harshly away from mingi. "let go of her" I yelled, running over to him but sadly I got tackled to the ground by two strong men.

"DONT TOUCH HER!" Hongjoong screamed trying to get over to minnie but a gun was pointed straight at his head. "time to go home" bangchan said with a bright smile as our guns and supplies got taken of us.

He grabbed Minhea by her wrist as she screamed and cried for help. I watched as he tossed her over his shoulder taking her away with the others following behind him.

"MINHEA!" I screamed as I stood up to run, seeing bangchan throw her fragile body into the trunk of a white van. "SAN!" She screamed in horror, sending tears to role down my face.

"SAN!" she screamed again in fear as she banged aggressively on the van doors and the engine started. I run and I run after the car that drove faster every second.

"Minhea!... Minhea come back!... FUCK, I'LL KILL YOU BANGCHAN! I SWEAR I WILL" I screamed as I fell to the ground watching the white van drive away with her as tears fell down my bruised face.

"I'll kill you... All of you" I mumbled lowering my head, allowing all the tears to drip down onto the stone ground.

"I'll kill you all"...

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