Chapter 45 - Who Are You?

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

"It's been 3 weeks... 3 weeks, god dammit!" Bangchan screamed throwing a dirty cup at the wall beside me, I jumped at the sudden sound of the coffee cup shattering into pieces.

"Where is he huh... WHERE IS HE!" he yelled in my face so I closed my eyes from fear. His face was red from anger, he was so scary, he terrefied me and the others as they didn't even try to hide their pale faces. "I don't know" I cried feeling a tight grip on my chin and I opened my eyes seeing bangchan staring into my eyes with evil in his.

"Bangchan he'll be back" hyunjin said to which the male turned around and approached him with an intimidating look. "He's been gone for so long time the only thing he'll be back with is ateez not medication" chan snapped slapping hyunjin hard in the face that a bright red mark stained his swollen cheek.

"If he brings them here, I'll kill you first" he threatened before walking out the room and slamming the door shut with me and hyunjin left insdie. "Where did he actually go" I asked weakly, hissing slightly at the sharp pain I felt in my chest.

"I don't know minhea, I really don't" hyunjin replyed in a soft voice, I could see evident tears ready to fall. "I hope he comes back soon" hyunjin said with a fake smile before leaving me alone in the small staff room.


Sans pov:

Korea, Gumi

Time flew by and the hope of seeing her again slowly vanished, the strong desire of wanting her beside me pained me as I knew that I might not ever see her again.

I sat quietly in the corner of a small silent room of the tiny building we were in, staring at a random brown rock that stayed motionless on the damp floor.

Minheas smile was all I saw Infront of me as tears fell down my face, her sparkling eyes that I dreamed to look into felt now like a story I made up in my head. I missed her so much it was driving me insane.

"San" I heard someone say from the entrance of the room snapping me back into the cursed reality were I couldn't protect the one I love. "Hey yeosang, what's up" I asked with a small smile as the older sat beside me, leaning his head up against the wall.

"I know that right now isn't the time to talk about this but I don't know who to talk to" the blonde said turning his head slightly towards me.

"It's about wooyoung isn't it" I muttered with a slight smirk on my face seeing yeosang blush. " I like him a lot, I don't know what to do" he spoke softly with sparkles in his eyes but an anxious giggle so I sat up and crossed my legs seeing the older look away from me.

"Yeo this is a serious talk, face me" I laughed and a smile showed up on his face as he sat up, bringing his knees to his chest. "It's not that serious" he mocked making me punch his chest lightly before we both bursted out into a fit of laughter.

"You shouldn't waste anymore time, you never know what could happen tomorrow" I said in all seriousness to which yeosang looked down at his shacking hand. "What if he doesn't like me back" he replyed and I scoffed shocking the doctor.

"Wooyoung... the Jung Wooyoung not like you... yeosang he's head over heals for you" I smirked and yeosang giggled. "I'll tell him now, come on" the doctor said with joy, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.

When we entered the room where the others were, shock took over us all as we stared with disbelief at the blonde who stood there in the entrance of the old abandoned building.

"Finally, I looked everywhere for you"...


Another short chapter which I apologise for but we're like 2 chapters away from the end of the book :)

The next chapter will be longer, I promise <3

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