Chapter 27 - The Plan

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

"minhea, they're back" mingi yelled as he burst into the room with joy and a huge smile.

I carefully stood up of my sleeping bag which was on the floor and excited the room, seeing mingi, woojin and yeosang welcoming the boys back.

Wooyoung and yeosang where hugging each other like if they haven't seen each other for years. Woojin was talking with hongjoong, seonghwa and Jongho, whilst mingi and yunho were being mingi and yunho.

I stood there watching everything with a smile until my eyes landed on san who was looking at me with a bright smile, showing of his adorable dimples.

I walked over to him, wrapping my arms tightly round his body, feeling him lightly stroke my hair.

"you look better then ever" he said with a soft giggle before pulling away from the hug and brushing a piece of hair behind my ear, feeling his fingers lightly touch my warm skin.

"I feel better" I commented, looking down at my feet to hid a terribly red blush which was appearing on my cheeks.

As soon as I lifted my head back up to say something to san I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and immediately engolthed him into a tight hug when I saw who it was.

"aren't you looking a lot better little one" seonghwa said, pulling away from the hug and blessing me with his beautiful smile.

"who are you calling little one" I said with a pout, playfully punching his arm, hearing an angelic giggle escape his lips.

"you are my little sister, so your going to be called little one" he said and I rolled my eyes, giggling at his words.

"you sound as if you adopted me or something" I commented and seonghwa laughed. "I basically did adopt you, I'm to young to be a dad but I'm old enough to be your apsolutly, super cool, handsome brother" he laughed and I joined in, lightly pushing him becuase of his funny behavior.

"sorry to break your family reunion but hongjoong is calling a meeting" mingi said and we nodded, walking of to were everyone else was.


"we've been in 3 different police stations, Busanjin, Yeonje and Busan Dongbu, none of them had the weapons" hongjoong said with an annoyed expression as seonghwa put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"we decided on hitting some military bases next" Jongho added. "but it's to dangerous, we all should go" yeosang commented and hongjoong nodded in understanding.

"I know that and obviously Minhea isn't in enough shape to go, that's why we'll rest until she gets better, we can also look around more police stations in the mean time" hongjoong replyed and yeosang nodded in agreement.

"what are the plans after we find the weapons" woojin asked in a low, shy voice as mingi side hugged her reassuringly.

"good thing you asked woojin" mingi commented, looking at her with a bright smile. "our next destination will be gyeongju" hongjoong said with a smile before carrying on. "we'll go to yangsan and ulsan first though".

"why gyeongju" I asked and seonghwa replyed. "becuase it's a prefect place to stay for a couple months, like in sanin" the brunette said and I nodded.



"let go of me! We can't leave him behind" I screamed and cried, trying to break free from whoever was pulling me away from my dieng friend.

"we can't save him, he's gone Minhea" the man yelled as I fell to the floor, feeling unknown hands wrap round me as all I could do was cry.

I looked around at all the other members, seeing them also breakdown due to the death of theyre good friend.

Hongjoong, I couldn't even look at him, wooyoung and mingi had to hold him down as he screamed. He tryed to run into the sworm of zombies to save his friend, a member, family, that we all sadly lost.

How could I ever forgive myself, I should have been stronger, held onto his hand tighter, I should have never let him go. His death is my fault, I'm the one to blame. I'm sorry...

"I'll fucking kill you, you bitch" hongjoong screamed at me, trying to push mingi and wooyoung of his body, which was pinned down to the cold ground.

"you could have done something, you could have saved him" he cried, screaming loudly as zombies started appearing and all I did was look at him with an emotionless expression.

"it's not her fault hongjoong" san yelled at the captain, before hugging me tighter, allowing me to snuggle my head into his chest.

"she killed him and ill make her pay" the captain screamed, before pulling out his gun and shooting me in the head, letting me peacefully die in sans arms.

End dream:

Sans pov:

I held her tightly in my arms as she cried, staining my white shirt with her tears. I lightly brushed my fingers through her hair as her sobs mixed with the calming song I quietly sang to her.

Why am I so insecure?
Why am I so insecure?

laugh at me coldly
차갑게 비웃어 날

Is being different wrong? Maybe
다르단게 틀린 것일까 Maybe

Is something special wrong?
특별한게 잘못 된걸까

"you have an amazing voice" Minhea muttered and I smiled, pushing away from the hug so I could look at her.

"I loved that song" I whispered, whipping away her tears with both my thumbs.

"what is it called" she asked with a smile, laying down on her sleeping bag as I done the same. "defenition of ugly is by the rose" I said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"what was the dream about" I muttered, staring deeply into her dark eyes, seeing a single tear role down her cheek which I lightly whiped away with my thumb.

"I don't want to talk about it" she whispered and silence took over us. I was mesmerised by her eyes, even though it was dark in the room, the lantern shone bright enough for me to see an adorable rosie blush appear on her cheeks.

I later felt her hand cup my cheek, feeling her thumb lightly brush across my eye patch.

I moved my face away from her hand as the fear of what she may see under it could scare her, but I wanted more of her clossnes, I wanted to feel her warm touch, so I snuggled my cheek into her hand, allowing her to slowly take of my eyes patch.

She looked at it, the dark hole that I swarn to keep hidden till the day I die, she saw the nasty red scar that run across my eyebrow down to the bottom of my eye, she saw the disgusting empty hole were my eye used to be. She saw it with the prettiest smile I never thought I'd see.

She lightly cupped my cheek again, tracing the scar carefully with her finger as she looked at it in awe. She wasn't disgusted, she wasn't afraid of it... She liked it.

"you look beautiful" she whispered taking her hand away from my face before looking into my eyes with sparkles in hers and before she could say anything else, I kissed her.

It was a slow but passionate kiss, our lips moved perfectly in sync and I wished this moment could last forever, I loved it, the way our lips perfectly matched each other, the way her touch felt on my skin, i loved it.

The kiss got deeper and more heated, I felt her hands slowly travel up my chest and under my shirt allowing her to take it off.

I slowly and carefully took her shirt of too, quickly going back to the kiss as my arms travelled up her back, tracing the scar that covered her back fully.

It felt like a dream, everything that happened, her in my arms, her lips on mine and her smile. I wish it could last forever...

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