Chapter 46 - Violence, Guns And Agonising Goodbyes

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Sans pov:

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Sans pov:

"That cafe right there is where they're holding her" felix mentioned, pointing at a small building with a truck that must have crashed into it during the start of the apocalypse.

"I know this place" wooyoung said, suddenly stepping back as he thought about or tried to remember something. "Me too" mingi added. We all looked at them with questioning stares, waiting for more context.

"I was here when the apocalypse started... Minhea... she worked there" wooyoung said, leaving us completely stunned by the statement. "Bangchan was there too, how could I not remember that"  he scoffed, clearly disappointed in himself.

"So you're the person I saw exiting the building" mingi said in a shocked tone, looking at wooyoung with as much disbelief as all of us. "Where is she, in the building" wooyoung asked felix, who quickly turned his shock into a smile.

"They have her tied up in the staff room" the blonde replied and hongjoong nodded, getting ready to say his command until felix cut him off. "My boyfriends in there, his name is hyunjin so please, don't kill him... he always tried to help Minhea just like I did" he mentioned and we all nodded, waiting for the captain's first command.

"How deos hyunjin look like" the captain asked felix, who very well explained his boyfriends visuals in detail. "Great, yunho, mingi... your on high ground, shoot anyone that exists or enters the building, if it's hyunjin Mingi make sure you bring him safely to yeosang" Hongjoong authorised to which mingi nodded but yeosang had a questionable look on his face.

"You'll stay right here with felix, got it" the captain said sternly to which yeosang nodded in disappointment but he must have understood that with only one hand he has a disadvantage and that hongjoong is only trying to protect him.

"Alright, san, wooyoung You'll go find Minhea, me, woojin and jongho will deal with stray kids" hongjoong said and we all nodded before going our sperate ways to save minhea.


I entered the building through the back door quietly with wooyoung beside me, the room looked like a kitchen and we stealthily walked looking for the staff room, trying our hardest to not grab the attention of anyone who could be in the room with us.

"Han, I told you already that I can't do this" we heard someone say loudly, so we quietly hid, trying to spot how many people there are and where abouts they are based. "There's only two" wooyoung whispered and I nodded, trying to think of a successful plan to take them down.

"What else do you want me to do Lee know, beg on my knees like a fucking dog, kill someone for you, I will do anything to prove to you that I love you" one of the boys named han snapped which made me want to laugh. "Shit is getting heated" I muttered over to wooyoung, who giggled quietly.

"Look, han, we both have roles here that we need to do, so go back and don't distract me" the blonde haired male yelled, causing the other to look at him with distaste.

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