Chapter 37 - Woojins Betrayel

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

My ear was gone, there was a thick waterfall of blood travelling down my hand. The pain was unreal, all I could hear were my muffled screams.

"I'm sorry but I have to get my brother back" she cried out falling to the floor with her gun in hand. "what about mingi" I muttered feeling the blood find it's way into my mouth causing me to choke on my words.

"mingi means the world to me, all of you do but this is about my brother, my loving brother" she yelled in pain, chocking on her falling tears. "I can help you... We can help you" I pleaded, pushing my hand deeper into my injured ear, feeling more blood drip from my hand and onto the cold floor.

"they'll kill him if they find out" she muttered letting more tears roll down her red puffy cheeks. I tried to get up, to give her a hug but she pointed the gun at me again causing me to stay frozen in spot.

"no one can help me" she whispered looking at me with so much pain and suffering. "I don't want to kill you, so please just come with me" she pleaded, getting up of the floor and walking up to me, pointing the gun at my head.

"you might just even kill me" i screamed and woojin pushed me, screaming from the built up pain and anger. "I can't but I need my brother back Minhea" she yelled pushing the gun back into my head.

"then let me fucking help you" I yelled back seeing her eyes travel to a pool of blood which was on the ground. "I didn't mean to shoot you" she said weakly and I nodded seeing her lower the gun and put it up to her chin.

"woojin, don't do this, we'll help you" I cried getting up and looking at her with fear in my glossy eyes. "Ill shoot myself if you come closer, I need my brother but I can't kill you" she snapped lightly pressing her small finger on the trigger.

"what about mingi and your brother, they would want you to live, don't do this". I tierd to grab the gun but she pointed it towards me and before she could shoot, mingi wrapped himself around her, falling with her to the floor and letting her cry in his arms.

I was staring at the two of them blankly before I myself got engolthed into a tight hug. "yeosang... She's hurt" san yelled over to the doctor before cupping my cheek and brushing his hand through my hair.

"what the fuck happened" hongjoong yelled with anger dominant in his voice and expression. "I'll explain" I said weakly.

"you'll explain after me and wooyoung check on your injury" yeosang said as he brushed my hair out the way, looking at the spot were my ear used to be with fear.


"I knew we couldn't trust her but no, to you she was so sweet and innocent" seonghwa yelled at me, pointing his finger at a crying woojin who was still being cradled in mingi's arms.

"you would do the same thing if it ment saving a family member seonghwa" I snapped walking over to the brown haird boy with frustration. "she almost killed you Minhea" he screamed back. It scared me a little how aggressive and angry he got.

"but she didn't because she cares about us too" I spat out pushing seonghwa's chest lightly from frustration.

"okay enough" the blonde haired captain yelled, before looking at Woojins fragile figure with pity. "what woojin done was unacceptable I know, but I understand her" hongjoong said walking up to woojin and asking mingi to step away.

"we'll help you get your brother back" he said as a huge smile found it's way onto her face. "really" woojin cried with joy in her voice. Hongjoong nodded and woojin wrapped herself around the older.

"but..." he mentioned and she pulled away, looking at him with curious eyes. "your going to be under wooyoungs strict supervision now" he added and woojin nodded in understanding.

"why can't I be keeping an eye on her" mingi asked the captain with a bit of anger and annoyance in his voice. "becuase you two are dating, treat this like a 2 week detention then I'll think about putting you back under mingi's supervision" hongjoong answered which made mingi roll his eyes.

"okay captain, thank you" she said in a soft and quite voice before bowing to all of us. "and sorry Minhea, i just didn't know what to do" she muttered loud enough for everyone to hear. "it's okay I forgive you" I said giving her a tight hug.


Sans pov:

Night fell and wooyoung offered to take look out to keep a close eye on the brunette that was fast asleep beside him.

"I was really afraid" I muttered hearing Minheas body sit up and feeling her hand lightly rub across my back. "why" she asked placing her chin on my shoulder. "becuase I could have lost you" I whispered turning my gaze over to her, seeing her beautiful eyes sparkle in the lantern lights.

"I don't want to imagine what my life could be without you" I added seeing a cute smile form on her lips before they got placed on mine.

"ewww, stop being so cute and go to sleep" wooyoung complained and minnie giggled cutely. "shut up, I bet you wish this was you and yeosang right now" I laughed, seeing wooyoungs cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.

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