Chapter 43 - Stray Kids

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Bangchans pov:

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Bangchans pov:

Seoul, 23rd June 2021, 11:50am

I entered the cafe smiling nicely at the pretty lady behind the counter. I waited in the queue, looking around for any spare seats when my eyes landed on two young boys that were looking at me.

One of them in particular caught my eye. He was honestly really handsome. His short hair shone in the light, and his smile was adorable, I wish I got to know his name and tried to remember his face.

"Excuse me sir" a lady spoke, snapping me out of the trance I was in. "How may I help you" she said with a cute smile on her face. "I'll have a carmel latte... Minhea, that's a beautiful name" I said politely, seeing a faint pink blush show up on her cheeks.

She giggled cutely and just when she was about to say something, a huge truck crashed into the cafe causing panic to erupt. Blood and broken glass were all over the place, I looked around with panic, seeing the raven haired boy leaving the cafe through a broken window.

I stood up and jumped over the counter, seeing minhea crouched down in fear. "Come on, we have to get out of here" i spoke softly as I grabbed her hand, pulling her with me to the back exit of the building.

People were panicking and horrifying screams echoed through the streets of Seoul. "What's going on" Minhea yelled with tears cuting her eyes. "I don't know, but we need to get to safty" I replied, looking at her sternly before grabbing her hand and pulling her with me.


Sejong, 20th December 2021, 1:20pm

It was cold and our food supplie was getting low. Me and minhea met a young boy named I.N in Incheon 2 months ago and he stuck with us since then. He is really good at hunting and finding drinkable water so I put him in charge of our food and water supplies.

"You got anything" I asked as I watched the younger walk over with our food in his hand and two unknown males behind him. I stood up ubruptly pointing my gun at the two males.

"Wow, wow, it's okay, I found them, they need help" I.N mentioned so I lowered my gun allowing the two boys to introduce themselves. " I'm hyunjin and this is felix, he's a doctor" one of the black haired boys said as a huge smile appeared on my face.

"Your a doctor, will you help my friend" I asked the blonde who nodded his head. "Where are they" he asked sternly so I grabbed his hand, taking him to my hurt friend.

"Her names Minhea, when we were fighting some people I accidentally stabbed her... I don't know what to do" I panicked, watching as the blonde inspected her wound. "Hyunjin, get my med kit" he commanded and that's how they joined my group.


Gumi, 9th March 2022, 10:44am

Time flied by and minhea got close with felix, seeing them giggle together and smile at random things angered me, I wasn't going to put up with it.

"Minhea come here for a second" I asked seeing her smile fade instantly and change to a look of fear. "What's wrong" she asked in a low tone, turning her gaze to felix who looked at her with sadness.

"Nothing, I just want you to walk with me" I mentioned seeing her nod with an uncertain smile.

"Bangchan, there are people" hyunjin commented pointing at 2 people who looked to be males in the distance. "They could be useful... bring them to me" I authorised with a smile as I watched I.N, hyunjin and Minhea get the two.

"Who are you! What do you want from us!" One of the two males yelled, trying to pull away of the tight hold I.N and hyunjin had on him. "What are your names" i asked kindly with a small smile, gesturing to I.N and hyunjin to let the boy go and for minhea to lower her axe.

"I'm changbin and this is han" the stranger said reaching out his hand which I politely took with a smile. "You can join us if you like, changbin can be second in command, I trust you" I said seeing a bright smile form on the brunettes lips.

"What about me" the shy one asked quietly, keeping his head low in disappointment. "I have a perfect job for you" I smiled, leaning into his ear and whispering his task later moving away to see him walk over to minhea with a smile.


Daegu, 15th April, 4:16pm

"Move it bitch" I snapped, pushing her slightly. "What did I do to you! Just let me go christopher" she yelled loudly so I slapped her, watching her stumble to the floor. "Shut up bitch" I whispered into her ear, pulling her up by her wrist and lightly pushing her to walk.

"Han keep and eye on her... there's someone there... I want to check it out, alone" I commanded as the others nodded, letting me go and check a small light which burned in a huge building.

"Hello is anyone there" I yelled out, walking into a small room with a tiny fire lighting the room for a brunette male that sat there terrified.

"W-who are y-you" he stuttered in fear, pointing a small knife at me with shacky hands. "My names bangchan, I can help you" I answered with a soft voice, walking over to the boy slowly. "Who are you".

"S-seungmin" he mumbled and I smiled softly reaching out my hand to the brunette who took it hesitantly.


Gimhae, 5th September 2022, 8:10pm

"How much food do we have" I asked looking at I.N sternly. "Enough to last us a week" he replied and I nodded. "The buildings clear" changbin said, walking out the front entrance with another member.

"There's two cars in the garage, full fuel tank" Lee know mentioned as I nodded patting his back for his good work. " let's get the cars running and go to Jinju, I need to finally lock up this bitch and stop her from running" I said with a smile, tucking a strand of her raven hair behind her ear.


Junju, 12th January 2023, 9:20am

Minheas pov:

"Minhea" I heard a faint whisper in the dark room and I saw a tall shadow slowly approach me. "Felix" I mumbled, hissing from the pain I felt in my chest.

"Let me check you out" he whispered, pulling out his med kit and checking out my wounds. "Deos chan know your here" I asked quietly, looking at the blonde with tired eyes.

"No he doesn't, becuase I'm helping you escape".

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