Chapter 4 - Back

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The sun was slowly rising and lighting up the sky as we arrived in sanin

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The sun was slowly rising and lighting up the sky as we arrived in sanin. Seonghwa parcked the car right outside our small, for now home and we excited the vehicle with tierd faces and blood stained bodies.

"their back, hey guys their back" I heard yeosang yell as he run up to us, checking our bodies for any ingerys. "what happened" he asked, but he didn't get a reply, hongjoong only stared at him blankly as he threw him a bag full of medication.

Yeosang thanked us for the supplies as the other boys came flooding in, greeting us with smiles on their faces.

"oh wow, your alive" sans voice was heard behind me. I turned around and looked up at him with annoyance.

"surprise" I muttered and he smirked, lightly pushing me out the way so that he could walk over to his captain.

"give him some time, he'll realise that he's a little bitch and change" wooyoung said as he pat my back, making me laugh a little. "he's my best friend and he's actually really sweet, he just needs some time" he added and I nodded, turning my gaze over to a smiling san.

"so what are doing with her captain" everyone heard san say and all eyes went on me. "she's apart of the family".

"what!" me and san yelled in sink. The oreo haired boy slowly made his way over to me, anger visable in his face, voice and actions.

He pointed his index finger into my chest whilst looking at hongjoong with pure shock.

"this, this gets to stay" he said, letting out a laugh and mingi got a bit angry, stepping in and pushing san away from me.

"yes, she can stay" hongjoong replyed and my eyes widened however, san made his way to the captain, getting close to his face and yelling.

"this weak thing". San pointed his finger at me. Mingi was about to walk over to the oreo boy, but i stopped him, not wanting any drama to break lose.

Hongjoong pushed san away, creating fists as he screamed, "Minhea, saved my fucking life, if she was weak i wouldn't be here talking to you, grow the fuck up san".

San stared at the captain blanckly as hongjoong walked over to me with a small smile. "go rest, in 3 days tell me if you want to stay or leave" he said softly, leaving and disapearing somewhere inside the building.

"San, unpack the trunk" seonghwa commanded and san followed, slowly and carefully taking all the crates out the trunk.

Everyone else wondered of to do their own thing and I decided to stay behind and help san with all the heavy crates.

"why do you hate me" I asked bluntly, taking the crate he was holding and placing it on the floor, next to all the other crates.

"hongjoong told you to rest, didn't he" san replyed coldly and I just rolled my eyes, taking a nother crate from his hands.

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