Chapter 44 - Back To The Start

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

"We're back at the start" bangchan said with a bright smile as we entered my old work place, the memories of that day clouded my mind as I remembered all the customers, where wooyoung was sitting with his friend and bangchans gorgeous smile back then.

"Han, tigh her up over there" bangchan commanded, pointing han in the direction of the staff room. "Changbin... and hyunjin, your helping me baracade this place" I heard him say before han threw me in the staff room, tighing my hands to a metal pipe.

"When I get out I'll kill you... All of you! LET ME OUT!" I screamed as I watched han exit the room. I tried to get out of this mess, I pulled hard in hopes I would rip the pipe out the wall, but I didn't.

I was left there in the small room alone for what felt like hours, the silence started to get to my head to the point I thought I could hear seonghwa calling my name, even my eyes started to play tricks on me as I saw seonghwa looking at me with a smile from behind a old rusty kitchen table.

"Seonghwa" I mumbled with tears in my eyes, watching the brunettes smile never fade as he stayed there, stood still staring at me. "I missed you" I choked on my tears as I saw him make his way to me slowly.

I never said anything, all he did was smile brightly as he looked at me. So much tears fell as I watched him get closer, the smile never fading from his pretty face until his skin slowly started to rotte.

I let out a loud gasp when his eyes turned from midnight black to pure white, his smile also faded and face emotionless. "No... not again... GET AWAY!" I yelled loudly, closing my eyes to not see the person in front of me.

I cried loudly as I kept my eyes shut hearing his footsteps get closer, until I felt a tight grip on my hand. I opened my eyes and I screamed, kicking the zombie hard in the stomach.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled, hoping that someone would come to help me. I kicked the zombie again, screaming in the process as I saw the dead creature fall to the floor.

"Stay away!" I wailed with tears cutting my eyes. I kicked harder at the zombie but it gripped onto my leg. I screamed loudly, feeling sweat drip from my forhead down to the dirty floor.

"HELP!" I screamed out in horror as I tried to rip my leg out of the zombies hold before bangchan bursted in through the door, shooting the zombie through its rotting brain.

"Are you fucking crazy" he snapped hitting me hard in the face with his gun. Blood found its way down my face, mixing with my sweat and tears. "Felix check her out" he ordered the blonde who politely smiled at his boss.

"I'm sorry that your going through this again Minhea" felix muttered as he lightly whipped my cut with an ani septic. I hissed at the pain before replying to the blonde, "I clearly wasn't meant to runaway forever".

He looked at me with sadness evident in his eyes. We both realised that there isn't any hope for me and that soon I'll die with the regret of not telling san that I love him that day he said it to me first.

"Dont cry Minhea, ill find a way to get you out of here... I promise" he whispered with a small smile, whipping my tears with his thumb before leaving me alone once again.


Sans pov:

Korea, Daegu

I looked up at the glowing dots in the sky with tears in my eyes, a smile curved on my lips as the wind lightly caressed my face. "I'll find you minnie, I promise I will" I whispered as i watched a small shimmering star fall from the sky.

"Where are you" I muttered to myself as I let my body fall back and hit the cold grass. "We're planning to go to Jinju since that's where she runaway from them, they could've took her back there" yeosang said suddenly, placing his body down beside me, also looking up at the bright lights.

"What if she's not there too" I muttered turning to look at the older with despair. "Then we search somewhere else" he commented causing a single tear to role down my crimson stained cheek.

"It's been a month already and she's been nowhere, i can't stand this shit anymore" I snapped getting up of the ground whilst staring at yeosang with an anger filled eye. " there is nothing else we can do san, we are all trying" he replyed with sadness dominant in his voice. " I'm sorry san, there's nothing we can do" he added before heading back inside to the others.

I looked up at the sky again with some tears cutting my skin with another small smile since I knew that eventually I'll find her.


Minheas pov:

"Where is he" I heard someone yell from outside the room I was in. "I don't know, he went out for supplies, I don't know where" someone yelled back so loud the pain in my head worsened.

"Hyunjin I swear if he went out looking for those cunts ill kill you then him" someone threatened which made me wonder who went missing. Did felix runaway?

"Chan I told you already, felix went looking for medication... he'll come back" hyunjin specified in an annoyed tone to which silence occurred. Anxiety slowly crept into my head and my breathing fastened when someone aggressively opened the door to the staff room.

"I'm so fucking mad I would hurt you... but you look so beautiful my heart warmed up" bangchan spoke softly as he tucked a strand of my long raven hair behind my ear with his freshly sharpened pocket knife.

My body started to shake uncontrollably and I could see hyunjin stare at the situation with terror and discomfort as bangchan placed a tiny kiss on my collarbone.

"I never stopped loving you Minhea, it pains my heart how you couldn't love me back" he whispered into my ear, placing a light kiss on my neck before sending a straight punch to my stomach which caused a whimper to leave my lips.

" I will always love you" he whispered again as he dug his blade into my thigh. "I will kill San for stealing you like that... you're mine Minhea" he said with a smile as the sound of my screams echoed around the building which cast the attention of the members who came to watch.


Sorry for another short chapter but we're about 3 - 4 chapters away from the ending :)

It's crazy how much of you have read this story and supported it. I cant wait until I start on my next book, that one will be crazy ;)

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