Chapter 5 - The Plan

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

I was sitting on the nice, green grass, leening against a tree, cleaning my axe from all the blood until the doctor came along, sitting down next to me.

"san can be a bit of a prick" he said and I nodded, placing my axe on the ground and turning my head to look at the blonde.

"I just don't know what else I could do for him to realise that I'm not a bad person" I mentioned and yeosang looked at me with a soft expression, a small smile plastered on his pretty face.

"be kind to him, show him that your better then him, maybe that'll open his eyes" yeosang replyed and I giggled, nodding at his advice.

"what happened to your eye" I asked, pointing at the red mark on his face and yeosang baught his hand up to it, covering it.

"it's a birth mark" he muttered and I smiled taking his hand and looking at the birth mark with adoration.

"it's really pretty, it's shapes like a heart" I said softly as a blush creeped up to yeosangs cheeks, making me giggle at his cuteness.

"thank you" he muttered with a smile. "are you going to stay with us" he added and I shrugged my shoulders, "maybe".


Sans pov:

"which one of you started that pathetic argument" hongjoong snapped at us, stabing his knife into the desk with a lot of power.

I stayed silent, keeping a stern face on hongjoong as mingi spoke. "it was me".

Hongjoong's eyes travelled to mingi, looking at him with disappointment. "we talked about it mingi" hongjoong spoke and my face transformed from blank to confusion as I looked at the captain.

"what do you mean, what did you talk about" I asked as my eyes travelled between hongjoong and mingi.

Hongjoong was going to reply to my question but mingi beet him to it. "I still don't think that what you told me is correct, he would let her die and watch it happen with a smile on his face".

My hands turned into fists as I looked at mingi, I was about to tell him that even though I hate Minnie, I would protect her, but hongjoong spoke first.

"san is assigned to the job and he's keeping it whether you like it or not" the captain snapped and mingi rolled his eyes. "got it cap" he replyed, exciting the room.

"I promise that I'll keep a good eye on her" I said, standing up and getting ready to leave.

"you better choi San" he commanded and I left the room with the mind set of wanting to prove mingi wrong.


Minheas pov:

Yeosang left a while ago and I stayed behind a little longer, wanting to enjoy the nature and cold wind.

"food will be ready soon and hongjoong wants to talk about the busan plan" san spoke as he hovered over me, blocking the sun and casting a nasty shadow.

"ill be there In a minute" I answered, picking up my axe and cloth. I thought that san would walk away but he still stood there, blocking the sun.

"how are you, after mingi punched you" I asked in a soft voice, looking at him and he was also looking at me with a soft expression i haven't seen on him yet.

"he looks worse" he replyed, turning away from me and walking of. "you coming or not" he added and I nodded, getting up and following san to meet the others.


We were all sat outside on the picnic benches, looking at the map which was placed on the table.

"so we are here" hongjoong said, pointing at Sanin. "but our goal is to go here" he added, pointing at the city of Busan on the map.

"me and hongjoong talked about it and thought it'll be better to stop at Changwon" Jongho said and we all nodded, looking at the map.

"were are we planning to go after Changwon" mingi asked Jongho and the brown haired boy pointed at Busan.

"won't it be better to go to Gimhea from Changwon, you'll be able to rest and it also gives you an easier rout to follow" I proposed, pointing my finger at Gimhea then slowly moving it across the map to Busan.

"she has a point, it would be easier and we could also stack up on more supplies" yeosang said, backing up my plan and hongjoong nodded.

"let's enjoy our food, Jongho we'll talk more about Gimhea, Minhea you'll join us" the captain said and I nodded, watching as Jongho folded the map.


Me and Jongho where both sat opposite hongjoong, looking at the map for any possible easy routs we missed to get to Busan.

"it'll be to hard to go to Busan from Changwon, you could run out of supplies" I commented and hongjoong stood up, walking over to a window which was behind him.

"we'll waist time if we go to Gimhea" the captain replyed and I rolled my eyes, getting up of my chair and walking up to him.

"stop thinking about time and think about the safety of your friends" I said softly, placing a reassuring hand on his back.

"Minhea has a point, it'll be safer going to Gimhea from Changwon then straight to Busan" Jongho said and I sent him a small smile, mouthing a 'thank you' for backing up my idea.

"so what's the plan captain" I asked with a smile.

"Gimhea it is".


Sorry for such a short chapter.

This man is so gorgeous.

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