Chapter 14 - Last Day In Changwon

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

I was leaning my body on a brick wall, outside an old demolished gas station where hongjoong told san to go to in 4 days.

"where are they, hongjoong should be here by now with the others" I asked as I stepped away from the wall, looking around for any familiar faces.

"they'll show up, it's not the end of the day yet" san replyed, peaking his head into the window of the gas station to see if there was anything useful inside.

"but minheas right, you know how strict hongjoong is with time" mingi said with worrie in his voice as he looked at san who was trying to open the front door of the gas station.

"can you atleast pretend like you care san" mingi snapped and san quickly turned around to face the younger with anger in his eyes.

"I do care mingi and I know that hongjoong will keep his promise and meet us here with the others" san yelled at him and I rolled my eyes, clearing out my throught so that everyone could pay attention to me.

"can you two shut up, we're all worried about them, so stop arguing" I snapped, causing the two boys to look at me with surprise and shock.

"those two are so annoying, what was hongjoong thinking when putting them in a group together" I whispered over to yeosang and Jongho as I approached them.

"like first they're arguing and now they're hugging" I complained as I watched the younger and older hug.

"they can be confusing sometimes" Jongho said, blessing my ears with a cute giggle and my eyes with a pure smile.

I was about to say something until I got cut off by a familiar voice. "sorry for being late" hongjoong said with a bright smile as he englothed me in a tight hug.

"it's good to see you captain" I said with a soft smile. "it's good to see you to, but you have some explaining to do".

"I know"...


We were all inside the gas station and I was leaning on a counter as I told the boys my traumatising past.

"they call themselves Straykids" I said, looking down at my trembling hands. "I have dreams about them, or atleast I think it's them" I mentioned and hongjoong looked at me with a confused expression.

"what do you mean" he asked calmly. "I can't see his face, I don't know who it is, but they do the same things bangchan done to me" I answered, taking a seat on the counter as I felt my legs getting weaker.

"what did they do to you" seonghwa asked, standing with his arms crossed next to san.

"when we went hunting back in Sanin, I had a bad panic attack when san fired his gun" I said as all eyes travelled over to San.

"I told him not to tell you guys, but I'm terribly afraid of small, dark rooms and loud noises" I added, not even looking once at the faces in front of me.

"why" yeosang asked with a bit of worrie in his voice i could tell he wanted to hide. "becuase I was chained up in a small, dark, concrete room" I answered yeosang, looking at him with tears in my eyes.

"okay and the reason for loud noises" Yunho questioned. "let me explain the rules of bangchans favourite game, hit or miss".


"good morning, I hope you don't mind if me and the boys play hit or miss" bangchan asked as he entered the room with the others.

Sweat and tears mixed themselves together as they fell to the concrete floor. "please, just... Give me a break" I begged as my body trembled and more tears fell.

"she's begging for a break, do you hear that, how hilarious" bangchan laughed, as he looked at his members. "Han, go first" bangchan said, passing han a blind fold and a gun.

Hans eyes were covered and he aimed the gun at me and shot, missing my body by centemeters as a scream escaped my lips.

"my go" bangchan said as he blind folded himself, aiming the gun and shooting a bullet through my stomach.

"wooo, that's what I call a game, Changbin your go" banchan yelled with joy whilst I slowly got weaker and weaker as I bled from my stomach.

End flashback:

"that's disgusting" yeosang muttered loud enough for me to hear. Tears slowly formed in my eyes as memory's of my traumatising past flooded my brain.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you guys" I cryed, looking down at my hands and seeing someone interlock them with theirs.

"don't apologise, we understand, is there something else you would want to tell us" mingi asked in a calm, soft voice as I looked up at him, nodding as I had more to say.

"when I was chained up, my hands were chained to a wall and feet chained to the floor, so I was in a w position for hours" I mentioned, getting up and giving them and example of the position I was in for days.

(A/N - I tryed to find an image of the position she was in but I couldn't find one anywhere, all I can say is the position is really uncomfortable and blood would (its so hard to explain) serculate to her legs slower, her legs were in a sort of w position, ahhhhh i hope i exolained well enough :( also becuase her hands where chained to a wall they were lifted in a sort of straight line if that makes sence :/ okay let's get back to the story i wasn't planning for this a/N to be this long)

"it looks uncomfortable" wooyoung said as he watched me take a seat back on the counter. "it was uncomfortable you dumb ass" seonghwa snapped, smacking wooyoung behind his head. "carry on".

"the only time I had out of those chains was when it was time to beat me" I said with tears cutting my cheeks and mingi hugged me tightly.

"all I ever wanted was to get away and they're close to me again, I don't want to go back" I cryed loudly as mingi tightened his grip around me, strocking my hair and humming a sweet melody.

"your safe with us Minhea, you'll always be safe with us" hongjoong said with a soft voice as he himself had tears in his eyes when he looked at me.

"they gave me a scar" I said in between my crys, lightly pushing mingi away to show them the scar that was planted on my neck. "god Minhea" yeosang said in a low, sad tone.

"that's not the end of it" I commented as I turned around and took my shirt of, showing them the scar that went from my neck down to my lower back.

"god why, for what" wooyoung muttered as a single tear fell down his cheek. I put my shirt back on and turned back around to face them.

"a punishment, for trying to run away"...


Sorry for such a short chapter, but I wanted to focus this on her story. Also pay good attention to her dreams :)


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