Chapter 25 - Uncontrolled Dreams

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Mingi's pov:

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Mingi's pov:

Her breathing was rapid and her heart beat was uneven, she was sweating and tears fell down her face. I tryed to wake her up as her screams got louder, but it was to no use, she remained asleep.

"woojin get yeosang in here" I yelled over to her, watching as she run out the room with fear in her eyes as she looked at Minhea.

"it's just a dream Minhea, come on wake up" I muttered, rubbing my thumb lightly on her cheek and whipping away the tears.

"what's going on" yeosang yelled as he stormed into the room with woojin by his side. "I think she's having a bad dream" I said with tears and yeosang run over to her, pushing me out the way.

I felt woojins arms wrap round my waist and I heard her muffled cries, so I pulled her tighter into my chest and brushed my fingers through her hair reassuringly.

"Minhea, please calm down, your hurting yourself" yeosang muttered as he lightly rubbed his thumb on Minheas forehead, whispering things into her ear.

The doctor stepped away from her as soon as her breathing and heart beat got stable. "woojin, she's okay" I murmered, cupping her cheeks and lightly lifting her face up to look at me.

"deos this usually happen to her" woojin muttered as soon as yeosang left the room and I whipped away some of woojins falling tears.

"yes, but it's never been this bad" I whispered, pulling her into my chest as I didn't want her to see the forming tears in my glossy eyes.


Minheas pov:


"that was fun" the raven haired muttered as he licked the crimson blood that remained on his lips.

I felt an agonising pain in my stomach, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I looked to the left side of the room and saw san and seonghwa lifeless on the floor.

I looked behind me to see yunho getting stabbed multiple times by lee know and wooyoung getting beaten to death by Changbin, han and hyunjin.

I looked to the right side of the room and saw hongjoongs and yeosangs flesh getting ripped apart by mingi.

I then looked In front of me and I saw Jongho, digging his fingers into my stomach and stuffing my guts into his mouth which was dripping with blood.

A single tear rolled down my face as I closed my eyes.

End dream:

Mingi's pov:

"yeosang, quick, somethings happening to Minhea" I yelled and yeosang shot out of his seat and ran into the room my best friend was in.

"shit, get me my med kit quick, woojin get out" yeosang yelled and woojin nodded, running out of the room.

"she's having a seizure, go get the fucking med kit" yeosang yelled at me and I run out the room, grabbing the med kit and running back.

"you also get out" yeosang snapped and I looked at him with watery eyes, frozen in spot. "but...".

"get out!" he screamed and I walked out, slamming the door shut and sliding my body down it.

"mingi" I heard a faint female voice say and I lifted my head to see woojin hovering over me with tear stained cheeks.

She slowly kneeled down and wrapped her soft arms round my body, stroking my hair and rubbing my back reassuringly.

"what's happening to her" I asked in a whisper, snuggling my head into the crook of her neck.

"yeosang will help her, she'll be okay" she muttered and it only made me cry more. "i promised san I'll protect her, what will I tell him if she..." I cried, stopping mid sentence as I didn't even want to think about losing her.

"shhh, don't even think about it, she'll live mingi" woojin said, cupping my cheeks and looking into my eyes, whipping away my falling tears.

"think positively, for her" woojin muttered with a smile which caused a tiny smile on my face.


Minheas pov:


"deos it hurt" I heard a familiar voice echo in my head. "open your eyes Minhea and look at me" I heard the voice say and I opened my eyes, getting blinded by the bright sun that shone in the sky.

I sat up, taking in the beauty of the beach I was on, the sun was warm on my skin and my body felt as if it was on a cloud then tiny grains of sand.

" deos it hurt" san asked again as I felt his hand lightly brush through my hair, feeling his fingertips brush along my skin.

"no, it didn't hurt a bit" I muttered with a smile, looking into sans eyes and lightly brushing my finger around the area of sans left eye.

"minnie, is everything okay" san asked with a concerned expression and I nodded, later feeling his soft lips touch mine.

"is this real" I asked in a soft voice, watching as san looked at me with a confused expression.

"do you want it to not be real, do you not want to be my wife, do you no longer want to have kids" he said with a cute giggle as I watched two little kids, a boy and a girl run into his arms.

"kids mummy is wondering if we're real" he said and the children laughed, looking at san and I with bright smiles.

"mummy is dumb" the little boy giggled and the girl laughed along. "seonghwa, woojin, behave mummy isn't dumb she's the smartest girl in the world" san commented, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.


Sorry for such a short chapter guys :)

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