Chapter 13 - The Dangours Of Lieing

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Felixs pov:

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Felixs pov:

"why did they go to Seok-Dong, i thought they would stay behind and look for they're other members" I said, looking at the 3 males that entered an abandoned house.

"they definitely lied to bangchan, they must have Minhea" hyunjin said, trying to enter the small house, but i grabbed his wrist, stopping him from going inside.

"Minhea tryed so hard to run away from him, I can't do this to her" I muttered, as I looked down at the floor. Hyunjin turnered towards me, lightly cupping my cheeks and lifting my head so that I could look at his gorgeous smile.

"we have no choice but to tell him about Minhea and where she is" he said softly and I pushed his hand away from my face, looking at him with anger and disappointment.

"please, lie to him for me, just this once" I pleaded, interlocking our hands as I deeply stared into his eyes. "your to cute felix" He muttered, pocking my cheek as he nodded in agreement to my begs.

"let's go find the others and tell them we found nothing" hyunjin said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the building Minhea was hiding in.


Hongjoong's pov:

"did the others make it" wooyoung asked as he leaned his body against a brick wall, gasping for air.

"I don't know, I didn't see them" I replyed, checking how much amo I had left in my gun as we didn't have much supplies left.

"we should gaver up some supplies until we meet up with the others in Sangnam-Dong" I proposed and the boys nodded as I tucked the gun into my belt and entered a small, abandoned, shop.

"I don't think we'll find much here captain" Yunho said as he picked up a moldy banana and threw it on the floor with a disgusted facial expression.

"there must be something here" I replyed looking at a bag of crisps I used to enjoy when I was younger.

"we used to love eating these when we were kids" my brown haired friend said softly as he picked up the crisps of the shelf and looked at them with a smile.

"those were good times, weren't they" I replyed with a quite giggle as seonghwa opened the bag of crisps and took a bite of one.

"we should rest here, especially you captain, i can hear your leg scream from pain" seonghwa said as he passed me the packet and wondered off.

"well you could have atleast hepled me sit down" I muttered to myself as I slowly made my way over to a chair in pain.


It's been hours and the sun has set. We were all scattered around a warm fire that seonghwa made to keep us warm during the cold night.

"I'm worried about the others" seonghwa said quietly as he heated some noodles he found in the shop on the fire.

"they are all okay, I can feel it, we'll see them in Sangnam-Dong in 4 days" I replyed softly, placing a reassuring hand on seonghwa's back.

"I wonder what those people want from Minhea anyway" Yunho questioned as he layed his body down on the cold, dirty floor.

"Minhea will tell us when we see her again" I said, placing my head on seonghwa's shoulder and closing my eyes for a bit longer then a second.


Minheas pov:

"I really dont understand why you guys arnt angry at me for hidding this from you" I said, leaning my body back on the wall and closing my eyes from the disappointment I felt towards myself.

"we understand why you hid this from us, but let's talk more about this in 4 days with the others" san said as he stood up of the floor and walked over to a small window which was on the right of the small living room we were in.

"did you guys see them leave for Fatima hospital safely" I asked, looking up at san who was turned away from me, still looking out the window.

"we don't even know if they made it to the hospital" Jongho replyed and I nodded, lowering my head as I couldn't look at they're worried faces.

"don't blame yourslef for what's going on, we're all scared of something" san commented as he turned around to look at me. I nodded and later placed my head lightly on mingi's shoulder as the land of sleep was calling my name.


"do you finally know who I am or are you still going to erase me from your memory's" the shadow whispered into my ear as my eyes layed blankly on the figure with was motionless on the floor.

"maybe if you came back to me, this wouldn't have happened" he said softly, lifting the boys head up by his brunette hair. "look at him Minhea, another one dead becuase of you" he said, aggressively slamming his head onto the floor.

I looked away as his head hit the ground, but the shadow grabbed my face with its hands and made me look. "first san, now seonghwa... Who else will you kill".

End dream:

My eyes flew open as I sat up, realising that I was on a sofa with san only present in the room.

"you were having another bad dream so I moved you to this to room so that you wouldn't wake up the others" eye patch said as I looked at him blankly. "how bad was the dream in a level from one to ten" he asked as he turned his body to face me.

"ten" I answered in a whisper and he smiled softly, making his way to sit next to me on the sofa.

"tell that demon in your head to leave you alone, your yells woke me up" he said as he flicked my forehead causing me to let out a quite laugh.

"your on look out as you can't sleep withought screaming" he said, getting up and leaving me apsolutly confused by his behaviour.

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