Chapter 21 - Rest Before Busan

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

Chaos was everywhere when me, san and seonghwa made it back to camp. Mingi had terrible purple bruises all over his chest and stomach and yeosang was stitching up hongjoongs leg as all the stitches opened up. Wooyoung was running all around the place, bringing yeosang and mingi all the things they needed.

"yeosang, san got shot!" seonghwa yelled as he helped san sit down on the couch. "wooyoung take care of hongjoong" the doctor yelled over to the younger as he run over to San, checking up on his wound.

I quickly run up to mingi and wrapped my arms around his body, feeling him squeeze onto me tightly. "thank god your okay" he muttered weakly as tears fell down my cheek.

"I was so worried about you" my oreo haired friend whispered and I tightend my grip around him, snuggling my head In to the crook of his neck.

"we're safe now Minhea, so don't cry" he said softly, cupping my cheek and showing me an adorable, tiny smile.

Sans pov:

I watched as minnie cried in mingi's arms, jealousy was the only thing I felt as I looked ar him cup her cheek and whipe her tears. Mingi knew how I felt, I told him everything, so why is he doing this to me.

"San!" yeosang yelled at me, snapping me back in to reality. "luckly the bullet went through, I'll just stitch you up and you'll be fine" yeosang mentioned, but I didn't listen as my eyes travelled to mingi's sleeping figure which was resting on Minnie's shoulder.

"deos mingi like Minhea" i asked causing yeosang to freeze and look at me with a puzzled expression. He turned around to look at mingi and Minhea, before turning back around to look at me.

"they became best friends, I don't think they have any romantic feeling for each other" the doctor replyed and I nodded, sighing in relief.

"why did you ask" yeosang asked with a myschivious smile on his face. "I don't like her if that's what your thinking" I replyed bluntly, looking down at my stitched up arm, thanking yeosang and leaving to my room to rest.

Minheas pov:

I saw San leaving to our room with a sad look on his face. I wanted to go talk to him but mingi was asleep on my shoulder and I didn't want to wake him up.

"Yunho" I whisper yelled over to the tall male, motioning with my hands for him to come over.

"can you let mingi sleep on your shoulder, I want to go speak to san" I whispered and he nodded, sitting down beside mingi and carefully moving his head of my shoulder and onto his.

"thank you" I muttered with a bright smile, walking of to mine and Sans shared room.

I entered the room and saw him sitting on my bed, leening on the wall and polishing his daggers. I smiled and walked over to him, taking a seat beside him.

"are you sure your fine" I asked quietly, looking down at my hands that were resting on my thighs. "I already told you back at the hotel that I'm fine" he said, placing down his daggers and cloth beside his on the bed.

"thank you for keeping minhyuk away from me" I said in a low voice, leening my head on the wall. "I'm sorry that I couldn't do the same for you" I muttered as a tear fell down my cheek.

I felt his trembling hands interlock with mine and I looked down at them with a small smile. "you done everything you could and I'm grateful for that" he said softly, resting his head on my shoulder as my eyes stayed pinned on our intertwined hands.


"is everyone ready to go" the captain asked, helping Jongho put the last crate of our supplies in to the trunk.

"how many times do I have to tell you to stop moving around so much, do you want your leg to get better" the doctor scolded hongjoong and the captain scoffed, walking away from the trunk and sitting down on a brick wall.

"I thought you said we would rest for 3 days until we leave for Busan" Yunho complained over to the captain, yawning and stretching his body. "we did rest" hongjoong answered. "yeah, for a day not 3" wooyoung commented, walking over to the cars like a snail.

"the quicker we get to Busan the faster we will be able to rest" the blonde said, causing all of us to sigh. "that's a lie, as soon as we get to Busan we'll be of searching for supplies" mingi commented and all of us nodded in agreement.

"what's pulling you to Busan anyway, there's nothing there hongjoong" I asked and everyone glared at me with shock and I looked at them with concern.

"Busan is filled with supplies and apparently somewhere in Busan is a crate filled with tones of army weapons" hongjoong answered with sparkles in his eyes.

"you forgot about the amount of zombies, are you guys seriously risking your lives for a crate of useless weapons" I scoffed and hongjoong placed a hand on his heart, acting like what I said really pained him.

"you don't understand, those weapons could be helpful" seonghwa mentioned and I laughed. "I survived with just an axe for 2 years, some army weapons won't help you become immortal, but suit yourself, let's go risk our lives for some weapons" I commented, causing all they're faces to go completely red.

"but we're also going for food" mingi added making all of us burst out in to laughter.


I was in the car with yunho, yeosang and san and the others were in the second car in front of us.

I was sitting next to san, resting my head on his shoulder as I felt my eyes closing and asking for some sleep.


"so much of your friends died already" the shadow said with a manic laugh as tears fell down my rosie cheeks.

"theres only two more left and ill find them, to kill them" he said in a low voice and I screamed, pulling on my chaines aggressively.

I cryed as I heard his laugh echo around the small room. I turned my head to look at my best friends rotting body, which was chained up beside me.

"I don't know how I'm going to kill them yet, but I know that I'll make it so much fun" he laughed, pulling out his gun and shooting mingi through the head.

End dream:

My eyes opened and landed on mine and Sans interlocked hands. I smiled as steadied my breathing, not even realising that I was crying until san whiped away a falling tear.

"I'm going to kill who evers haunting you in those dreams of yours" he whispered, cupping my cheek and lifting my head slightly so I could at him.

"I wish I could do it myself, but he killed us all before we even got to him" I muttered, seeing san go completely pale, but he still whipped away my tears with a smile.

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