Chapter 12 - Hiding

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

We ran fast through the streets and alleyways of Changwon, killing zombies that got in our way. Yeosang was getting faster, and I struggled to keep up. My breathing got heavy and my injery started to bleed.

"yeosang wait" I yelled out to him weakly and he turned around, running back over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me to hid behind a car.

"I need a break, it hurts to much" I whispered, out of breath and yeosang got up to look around the area for any dangours.

"hongjoong gave us a location to go to so they could find us, we have to go" he said as he was about to run to our location, but I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back so that he could listen to me.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell any of you about them" I said softly, looking down at the floor as yeosang crouched down next to me. "I was really scared, becuase I don't want to go back" I muttered, feeling my eyes start to fill up with a pool of tears.

"your dreams are about them, right" yeosang asked and I nodded as yeosang pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair and placing a light kiss on my head.

"please don't let me go back" I pleaded as tears started to cut my cheek. Yeosang cupped my face with both hands, whipping my tears and plastering a small smile in his face.

"we won't let them take you, ever" he said with a serious tone, looking deeply into my eyes. "but we have to go now Minhea" he said, lending me his hand and I took it, nodding.


Sans pov:

"I thought you said your looking for a girl, so why are you looking through our stuff" hongjoong spoke as I looked around at all the boys that were looking through our supplies.

"just incase I find something of hers" the leader replyed, picking up our med kit and examening it. "who's a doctor" he asked, looking at all our faces curiously.

"I am" wooyoung replyed with a stern face and bangchan nodded, placing the object down and going towards a closed door.

"what's behind there" bangchan asked and my heart stopped beating for a second as fear took over me. "nothing" I said and he opened the door, looking at the table which was covered in Minheas blood.

"there's a lot of blood, I didn't know you're leg was injured that bad" bangchan said, looking at the captains leg then up at his face. "must have hurt" he added and the captain nodded.

"well, thank you for saying the truth hongjoong, well be leaving now" bangchan said as he raised his hand, calling over all his members and leaving in silence.

"I don't trust them one bit" mingi said and the captain nodded in agreement, walking up to mingi with jongho's help.

"we can't go to yeosang and Minhea yet, I feel like they will follow us" hongjoong said as he deeply thought about how to get to Minhea and yeosang withought being seen.

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