Chapter 36 - Ulsan

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

"are you sure this place is safe" Yunho asked looking up at the old damaged building in front of us. "of course, why shouldn't it be" the captain answered whilst opening the door which was covered in over grown vines.

"this place looks like it's about to collapse" wooyoung complained and hongjoong rolled his eyes. We all entered the abandoned building, taking out our weapons and checking the area for any zombies.

"follow woojin" san whispered over to me, pointing his gun at the girl. "are we really listening to seonghwa" I muttered with annoyance and san nodded, pushing my body lightly in the direction woojin went to with mingi.

I held my axe tightly in my hand, entering a huge room which had two big windows decorating one wall. The room was completely empty, it was covered in dust and some planks of wood were scattered around the broken room.

"god Minhea, you scared me" mingi yelled, placing a hand on his chest dramatically. Woojin giggled at my best friends reaction causing a small smile to form on my face.

"found any zombies" i asked as woojin and mingi lowered their weapons. "no did you" mingi spoke and I shook my head in reply.

"we should get back to the others" woojin proposed tucking her machete away into her belt. "not yet" I said with a serious tone, looking at woojins body language closely.

I put my axe into my belt, looking at both mingi and woojin with curiosity. "Minhea, are you okay" woojin asked in a cute voice looking at me with worrie evident in her eyes.

"I'm your best friend and you didn't tell me you two are dating... Song Mingi" i complained with a pout, hitting mingi's shoulder lightly, hearing a soft giggle escape from woojins lips.

"it just happened, I didn't have any time to tell you, forgive me please" he begged on his knees as me and woojin couldn't help but laugh at the older.

Seonghwa's pov:

I walked past a room, hearing a harmony of laughter echo from inside. I decided to see what was happening so I took a quick glance at the chaos. I saw Minhea laughing with a bright smile and beside her was woojin.

I don't know why but seeing that made me angry. I wanted to protect my baby sister and I had a gut feeling that woojin wasn't who she was claiming herself to be. Why wouldn't she believe me?

"Minhea, can we talk" I asked the girl who was laughing with woojin, watching her smile fade and nod in agreement. "what is it" she asked angrly.

"are you still that mad at me" I scoffed seeing her role her eyes and look around the room before placing her gaze back on me. "I stalked woojin around for you today and guess what" she whispered, "there was nothing off about her".

"let it go seonghwa" she spoke in a softer tone as I shook my head, looking down at the concrete floor. "why don't you believe me" I muttered with tears that were threatening to fall if I even said another word.

Silence took over and the tension around us got thicker by the second. I was about to say something but as soon as I lifted my head to look at her, she was gone.

"hey seonghwa me and the...". I heard hongjoongs voice from behind me and as soon as I turned around he went silent, even his bright angelic smile and crescent moon eyes turned Into a thin line and worrie.

"what's wrong" he asked softly placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "nothing I'm fine, what were you going to say" I said with a fake but realistic smile, seeing my boyfriends mood brighten up again.

"me and all the boys are heading out to gather supplies, the girls are staying here" hongjoong mentioned and I nodded feeling a little uneasy about Minhea and woojin being alone.

"when are we leaving" I asked, taking my gun out to check how much amo I had left. "soon, I want to leave as its still bright outside" he replied as I nodded, placing a peck on his forehead before walking of to talk to yeosang.


Sans pov:

"I'll be back soon, I promise" I whispered as I cupped Minheas cheek, placing a sudden kiss on her soft strawberry lips. "be safe" she said and I nodded giving her a quick hug before leaving the building with the others.

"yeosang, how are we on medication" the captain asked as we walked through the streets of Ulsan. "pretty good, we should focus more on food and fuel for the cars" he answered tightening the strap of his medical bag before throwing it onto his shoulder.

"so are we going hunting" mingi asked the captain and he nodded causing a bright smile on the boys face. "I'm craving rabbit" wooyoung bursted out in joy before we all fell into a fit of laughter.

"let's get into pairs, it'll be quicker and easier to hunt" mingi mentioned and the captain nodded in approval. I wanted to pair up with wooyoung but seonghwa pulled me away.

"be in a pair with me" he said in a low and threatening tone. I nodded sticking by his side until the others got into pairs. "all right, let's meet here at sun down" hongjoong commanded as we all nodded walking of in different directions.

"do you believe me or Minhea" seonghwa asked causing me to be taken back by his serious tone. "what do you mean" I replied, stopping in my tracks as soon as I saw that seonghwa stood frozen in spot, staring at me with annoyance.

"woojin, do you think she's weird or normal" he snapped and I rolled my eyes not feeling like going back into the subject of the younger girl. "I believe my girlfriend on this topic, woojin isn't a bad person... She's just scared" I answered and seonghwa scoffed until going back to doing our duties.


Minheas pov:

"how long has it been since you and mingi have liked each other" I asked taking a seat on the cold concrete floor beside the warm fire.

"it's only been 9 days" she answered in a cute voice causing a little chuckle to escape from my lips and sturtle her.

"I really like him, but I know it won't last" she said as I leaned in closer to the fire. "why" I asked, blowing lightly on the wood, trying to keep the flame burning. "becuase he wouldn't love me for what I'm about to do".

I heard a gun being cloked and footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw the once adorable innocent girl pointing a gun at me with glossy but evil eyes.

"what are you doing" I muttered standing up slowly whilst keeping my eyes glued on the gun which was held tightly in woojins hand. "I'm sorry but I need my brother back" she cried pressing lightly on the trigger.

fear took over my body, I wanted to attack her, to kill her but I knew that violance wouldn't solve this issue so I slowly stepped forward.

"don't move or I'll shoot you" she screamed pressing the trigger causing the bullet to scrape the skin of my cheek and ear. I grased my finger lightly on the cut which was on my cheek, seeing the crimson liquid drip down my fingers.

"whoever has your brother, Ill help you get him back... I promise" I said softly, taking another step forward.

"bangchan wants you dead or alive and ill do anything to bring you to him" she said before all I heard was a loud ringing and a feeling of thick liquid dripping down my jaw line.

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