Chapter 34 - Remorse

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Woojins pov:

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Woojins pov:

I walked behind everyone with mingi, i kept my head low as I still felt guilty becuase of what happened to yeosang. Deep down I knew I shouldn't have remorse for these people, but I grew to like them.

"woojin, mingi, keep up or we'll lose you" Yunho said, rushing us with his hand and mingi grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer to the boys and Minhea.

"you still feel guilty" mingi asked in a whisper and I turned my gaze up to look at him, seeing his eyes looking down at me with a smile. "how could I not feel guilty mingi" I answered with a hint of anger in my voice, feeling a hand lightly brush through my long hair.

"everything that happened isn't your fault, you just wanted to help" he reassured me and I scoffed, moving away from his touch before looking up at him with annoyance.

"me wanting to help caused yeosang to lose an arm, I do everything wrong, this isn't help mingi it's trouble" I yelled at him, seeing his eyes widen in shock. He tried to cup my cheek but I moved away.

"don't try to make me feel better mingi, it won't help" I said with venom laced in my voice before walking of to the others, leaving him behind me.

"mingi move it" hongjoong commanded after he noticed him standing frozen behind all of us. Mingi jogged over to wooyoung and yunho, talking to them with a smile on his face as I made my way over to Minhea, pulling her away from san.

"mingi doesn't want to talk so can I chill with you" I asked in a cute voice and she nodded giving me a granola bar she had in her pocket.

"thank you" I muttered taking the granola bar form her hand with a smile. "what happened" she asked as tears gradually cut my cheeks more and more.

"I-I feel guilty for what happened... mingi doesn't understand that" I stuttered whilst chocking on my own falling tears. "he wanted to make you feel better" Minhea muttered, looking over at the oreo haired boy who was hugging yunho.

"well he didn't help" I said with a bit of anger in my voice. She smiled softly at my angry expression before placing a hand on my shoulder. "I also felt guilty, but it's not our fault... It's the zombie that hurt him, not us" she said before walking back to san and leaving me in my thoughts.

Minheas pov:

"it's getting dark captain, we need to find camp soon" san said over to hongjoong as I approached him, interlocking our hands. "I know, but no matter where we go, we get sarounded by zombies" hongjoong replied with defeat in his voice.

"I wasn't expecting so much of them in Yangsan" Jongho complained and I nodded in agreement before watching the maknae cut his pocket knife through a zombies head.

"I would say we carry on moving to ulsan through the night" san proposed and wooyoung shoock his head in disagreement. "yeosang is getting tierd and I have to change his bandages" bandana boy said as he helped yeosang who could barely stand on his feet.

"there's not to many zombies around here so we'll rest, you can also change yeosangs bandages" hongjoong commanded and wooyoung nodded before helping yeosang sit down.

"can I sit with you" a familiar voice that i haven't spoken to for a while asked and I nodded patting the spot beside me on the floor.

"why don't you come and sit with us next to the fire" he asked as my gaze travelled over to all the happy faces that were laughing together around the bright orange flames.

"I don't know, I like it here" I said, placing my head on mingi's shoulder and later feeling his head on mine. "why" he asked in a whisper and I smiled when I saw yeosang laughing at something hongjoong said.

"becuase I have a beautiful view in front of me and I wouldn't want to miss it for the world" I muttered with a single tear falling down my rosie cheek. "your right, it is beautiful".


"Minhea... Minnie wake up" I heard someone call out in a whisper before my eyes flattered open and landed on a smiling san who lightly shoock my body awake.

"what" I groaned sitting up on the rock covered ground, seeing some of the guys putting our supplise into two cars. "when you was asleep me and seonghwa found these working cars... we're going to ulsan" san said with a smile which I returned with a soft kiss before getting up and walking over to woojin who was helping seonghwa, yunho and mingi with supplise.

"do you need help" I asked putting my axe inside the car. "no, it's okay I'm almost done" she said and I smiled, nodding my head when I saw mingi slide a sneaky hand around her waist.

"oh Minhea, seonghwa wanted to talk to you" mingi mentioned before I left him and woojin.

"mingi said you wanted to see me" I said walking up behind seonghwa, watching his tall figure slowly turn to look at me. "I want you and san to keep a close eye on woojin" seonghwa said in a serious tone causing me to be taken back by his authority.

"but isn't that mingi's job" I asked and seonghwa nodded before pointing his finger at something and telling me to look. My eyes landed on mingi whos lips were moving in sync with woojins.

"I don't get it, they fell for each other like I did for San and you for hongjoong, what's so bad about that" I asked in annoyance, feeling seonghwa grab my shoulders and turn me back around aggressively.

"I don't trust her Minhea and I want you to keep an eye on her... That's a command" he authorised with anger in his voice. I looked up at him with shock, pushing his hands of my shoulders.

"I don't know what's gotten into you but your not my captain or my brother, so don't treat me like I'm a nobody" I spat with built up frustration in my voice, shoving my index finger into his chest.

"I'll keep and eye on her for you, but don't ask me for anything again" I said through gritted teeth before walking of to tell san the plan seonghwa set up for us.

Seonghwa's pov:

"hey, you ready" hongjoong asked placing a surprise kiss on my cheek. "yeah" I muttered quietly, showing him a fake smile.

"what's wrong" he asked bluntly and I turned around to look at him with sadness visible in my eyes. "me and Minhea got into an argument, I think she hates me" I answered as hongjoongs eyes widened and jaw hanged low.

"I doubt that she hates you, your basically her brother, she loves you more then anyone here" hongjoong said and I let out a sarcastic giggle before saying, "she said that I'm not her brother though".

Hongjoong let out a loud gasp grabbing the attention of wooyoung and Jongho. "get back to work, stop being so intrested" hongjoong complained so wooyoung and Jongho walked of giving us some privacy.

"I'm sure that Minhea didn't mean it, she cares about you" hongjoong reassured me before we all entered our designated cars and left for Ulsan.

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