Chapter 32 - Live For Me

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(warning - The beginning is a little graphic and disturbing please skip over to the 4th paragraph if you don't like gore)

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(warning - The beginning is a little graphic and disturbing please skip over to the 4th paragraph if you don't like gore)


Minheas pov:

His blood painted everything crimson, I watched in fear as the red liquid dripped down my axe and onto the cold stone floor.

"please, s-stop... I, I can't t-take it" he muttered weakly, but I cut my axe into his arm again with as much power as possible, seeing his blood squirt all over mine, wooyoungs, jongho's and yunhos body.

"please yeosang, just hold on" wooyoung cried cupping yeosangs cheek as I cut through his hand again, seeing it dangle down from his flesh. "I'm almost done yeosang, please hold on for me" I cried but he passed out onto wooyoungs shoulder as soon as I cut his hand off.

"bandages, san get some bandages... NOW!" Wooyoung screamed and san ran for the med kit, bringing it back to wooyoung.

I fell to the floor with tears dripping down my chin, dropping my axe and crying uncontrollably at the pain I felt becuase of what I've done.

"Minhea, shhh, you done a good thing, you done good baby" san whispered as he hugged me tightly, brushing his fingers through my hair and rubbing my back.

"will he be okay" woojin asked quietly, lightly pushing away from mingis hold. "he'll be fine, he lost a lot of blood though so he needs to rest" wooyoung said and woojin nodded, walking of to grab a cloth, pouring water on it and placing it lightly on yeosangs forehead.

I stood up of the floor, holding sans hand, feeling him pull me away from the others and to a more isolated part of the store.

"he'll be okay, you heard wooyoung" san whispered cupping both my cheeks and lifting my head up so I could look at him. "I know but, I'm worried about him" I said with a sniffle as san whipped away my tears.

"wooyoung will take good care of him, okay" san said, plastering a small smile on his face which made me feel a little better.

"I just... Don't want him to hate me for what I done" I muttered looking down at the dirty damp floor with tears threatening to fall again.

"yeosang would never hate you" san snapped causing me to look up at him in shock. "yeosang is a kind and caring person, he would be grateful that you saved his life becuase no one else would, we wouldn't have been able to do something like that" he added with a single tear falling down his face which I lightly whipped away with my thumb.

"hey, mingi is cooking the deer we found on the way here, you want some" seonghwa asked as me and san nodded, following seonghwa to the others.

As soon as I sat down next to the fire in between san and yunho my eyes landed on a sleeping yeosang who rested comfortably in wooyoungs arms. Wooyoung slowly brushed his fingers through yeosangs hair, looking down at him with tears whilst humming a sweet melody.

After we all ate hongjoong proposed that we all rest as wooyoung decided to take look out. I walked Into a small closet room, deciding to sleep there and isolate myself from the others, but someone knocked on the door.

"I thought you said you don't like small places" san said, entering the small room and closing the door before sitting down next to me.

"I don't, I just wanted to be alone" I replyed, looking down at my hands. "do you want me to leave" san asked in a whisper and I looked up at him with a small smile.

"I don't" I replyed seeing a cute dimple smile appear on his face. I layed down on my sleeping bag, feeling sans hand travel to my waist and his head snuggle into my neck.

I turned around to face him, seeing a cute smile on his face as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I blushed at his touch, feeling his finger tips lightly graze my skin and his soft lips move slowly in sync with mine.


Seonghwas pov:

I sat down beside hongjoong, watching him look at yeosang with sadness in his eyes. "what will we do when he wakes up" he said causing me to look over at the doctor who was asleep in wooyoungs arms.

"what do you mean by that" I answered, looking back at my friend with a confused expression. "yeosang lost his arm, he'll be in a bad mental state, I don't know how we could possibly help him get over it" hongjoong responded, looking at me with teary eyes.

"I was supposed to protect us and I failed again" hongjoong muttered, playing with his fingers. I cupped his chin, forcing him to look at me.

"you didn't fail anyone, you may have made some mistakes on the way but you got better for all of us" I whispered softly, looking into his stary eyes.

"I know, I just...". Hongjoong looked down placing his head in the palm of his hands. "hey, hey... Look at me joong, it's okay" I said, cupping both the sides of his cheeks, looking at his teary eyes.

"you are the best thing that has ever happened to this group... To me, you saved us joong and I'm forever grateful".

It got completely silent in the room, just the two of us looking at each other, until hongjoongs gaze slowly traveled down to my lips. I looked down at his, lightly brushing my thumb across his lower lip.

My hand moved to the crook of his neck, slowly leaning in, until our lips met.

It was a slow and passionate kiss, filled with love and compassion. Hongjoong tentatively moved his hand up my back, pulling me deeper into the kiss.

I pulled away from the kiss, resting my forehead on his, steadying my breathing. I hesitantly moved away from hongjoong, looking down at my hands.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" I muttered but hongjoong quickly leaned back in, placing a soft peck on my nose, leaving me flustered by his gesture.

Hongjoong smirked and said, "I wanted to do this 2 years ago, at the park" he giggled cutely, "that day, when I dragged you out of bed, I wanted to confess to you but, I had people to protect... You to protect" he whispered looking into my eyes, before I leaned back in, kissing him with more passion. Hongjoong kissed me back fervently.

I deepened the kiss, lightly grazing my tongue across his lower lip asking for access, allowing me to slip my tongue in.


Sans pov:

I pulled away from the kiss, resting my forehead on hers and placing a soft peck on her nose.

Her hand moved up to my hair, playfully messing around with it. I could feel her warm breath hit my lips as I looked into her sparkly brown eyes.

"I don't want you to worrie, wooyoung reassured us that everything will be okay" I whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"yeah I know, but everything will he so hard for him" she said sitting up and I followed. I slowly grabbed her hands, interlocking our fingers.

"we'll help him minnie, he'll get used to it" I said rubbing circles on the palm of her hand. I saw a single tear cut her cheek and I slowly lifted my hand up, softly whipping the tear with my thumb.

"don't cry, he'll be okay, I promise" i spoke softly, placing my forehead against hers and closing my eyes. "I love you" I muttered, feeling her move away from me.

"san" she said breathlessly, looking down at her fingers. "it's okay if your not ready, i just wanted you to know".

She let out a sigh before interlocking our hands again. "thank you, for understanding" she said placing a light kiss on my cheek.

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