Chapter 47 - What An Ending To This Story

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

8 years later

"Good morning uncle" my little said with a bright smile as he run up to Hongjoong, engolthing his leg in a tight hug. "Happy birthday little one, I bought a little presant for you" Hongjoong laughed giving my son a tiny box.

"Seonghwa, go show your dad" I said with a smile as I watched the happy birthday boy run to the kitchen. "Is the wall fixed" I asked with a curious stare, seeing a smile curl up on hongjoongs lips.

"Yes, Suho, Taemin and Soobin fixed it already... Kai, Jihyo and Wonbin are looking around for any zombies that could've got in" he replied and I sighed from relief before entering the kitchen with hongjoong.

"Oh my god" Joong screeched as we entered the kitchen walking over to woojin and mingi with sparkles in his eyes. "How is baby yeosang doing" he asked woojin who giggled at Hongjoong who was pulling funny faces at the unbothered child.

"He tooth started growing yesterday so he's a bit if a tricky one to handle" mingi laughed along with the captain as I approached san and seonfhwa with a bright smile.

"I can't believe I'm 4 now dad, I'm such a big boy now, soo ill be able to grow up to be as strong as you and all my uncles" seonghwa yelled out in joy as san nodded in agreement. "Why don't you go play with your friends so that the grown ups can talk, okay" san said and seonghwa nodded, skipping his way to the living room.

"Is the wall fixed" san asked in a whisper and I nodded feeling a soft peck on my forehead. "That's good" he replyed to my nod with a smile as we walked hand in hand over to the others.

"When are Onda, Hoshi, Wooyoung and Yoshi coming back" jongho asked joong who was stuffing his face with food" "hopefully in 3 days with loads of good supplies" he answered whilst chocking on his food.

"Alright, it's time for birthday cake, yunho can you call the kids in" san asked and yunho nodded going to the living room with a tiny smile.

I watched with joy as all the kids run in with excitement. I loved the sight infront of me, the smiles on my families faces...

If only yeosang and seonghwa were here to see it.

The end

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