(Ez a vers angol nyelven íródott)
You and meI'd never have thought
That the day will come
When I will be yours.
I mean, permanently, all.All of my soul
Loves all of you
I feel that now,
But I don't know why and how.I wonder why
Pink all the sky
When I'm thinking about you
And how much I love you.I don't know when
I fell in love with you
But it doesn't expects then
Cause I love all of you.I love all who you are
It doesn't matter how far
Life takes us
You're my plus if I'm the minus.Maybe that poem is not the best,
But all my love is in it.
And my love may not be the strongest,
But you just know I'm a dinamit.I know it's dynamite
But it didn't sound so good,
It didn't rhyme.
That's how it got right.
2022. 08. 21. - B. R. M.

Verseim //I.//Befejezett//
PoetryItt olvashatjátok a verseimet. Szerelmi csalódáson át a hétköznapi élet versein keresztül az abszolút semmitmondó versekig mindent megtalálhattok, amit a mai kortárs líra fogalma kimeríthet. Jó olvasást! ;)