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*in the office*

JK- So what you choose?
*Taking out his gun*

Ym-I-i will sell this college to you.*afraid*

Jimin-Good, sign these papers.
*putting some agreemental papers on her desk*

*Ym look at her office for the last time but then notice her family's picture on her desk and sigh in disappointed while signing those agreements*

Ym-Here, I have sign it.
*passing jimin the agreement papers*

Jk-Good now announce this publicly.

Jimin-And give us the record of that girl yn.
*Deep serious voice*

Ym-W-why do you want her records?
*Glup on her Saliva*

Jimin-Its none of your business. Do as we say or you know what I can do.
*warning voice*

Yn-Please leave her aside.
*she said and kneel down infront of them*

Jimin-Wow for the first time I have seen a caring pricipal like you but still we want her records so do as I said.
*He said after scoffing at her reaction*

Yn-Please she is my daughter. I am begging from you.
*Joining her hands infront of jimin*

Jk-Then it will be more fun to get her.*smrik*

Jk-i will get her soon and make her mine.*smrik and walk away leaving yn's mother worried and crying*

*in yn's classroom*



Yn- what do you think about that cute,handsome and sweet guy?

*She asked her best friend*

Kai-That taehyung?

Yn-Yes.*blushed abit*

Kai-He is perfect but not interested in you.*teased her*

Yn-Yah you brat.*kick his leg*

Kai-Ahhhh......Why did you do that pabo? *angry pout*

Yn-Because you deserve this.
*she said and start focusing on her class*

*After 20 minutes bell ring indicating that the college is over and professor left from there after wishing them good afternoon and giving homework to do and then every student start to leave with there friends after packing there stuff. Yn also packed her bag and start to leave with kai while talking about some stuffs and then kai went towards his house and yn start to walk alone thinking about her crush aka kim taehyung*

*Yn faceplam herself*
Yn-Yah yn stop thinking about him.
He is older than you and maybe he will never look at me because he has alot of girls behind him.
*she said to herself but someone tap on her bag making her stop and look back, only to find her handsome crush there.*

*yn keep on staring at his face for some minutes and was getting lost in it just than he pull her bag a little to make her come back on her but she lost her balance and fall on him making him to get under her and eventually there lips get attached and tae start moving his lips on her. After sharing a long kiss both of them back off breathing heavily*

Tae-Your lips taste like honey to me.*licking his own*

Yn-ummm....*she just blushed at his words*

Tae -Yn I want to ask you that do you love kai?
*yn look at him with widen eyes and nodded as no in response*

Tae-Oh really.*he hug her tightly but then backoff and said*

Tae-You are too young to have a bf so don't you dare to make any or I will beat him to death.
*he warned her and unknowingly she nodded in agreeing with him and he just smile*

Tae-Come I will drop you to your house.

Yn-No no it's okay I can go myself.

Tae-Let me drop you it's getting late now.

*tae carry yn in bridal style and took her to his luxurious car and drove away*

*he drop yn at her house and was about to drove away when her mother stopped him*

Ym-Mr.Kim.*tae look at her and come out of the car and bow to her in order to show respect to her*

Ym-yn you go and get freshed.
*Yn nodded and went towards her room*

Ym-Mr. Kim I need your help.

Tae-What kind of help mrs. Jung?

Yn-Don't call me that, you came to ask for my daughter's hand and now I am ready to give it to you but you have to wait for some years and till than I am sending her to abroad.

Tae-But why abroad?

Ym-Here some peoples are trying to hurt her so I can't Take risk.*sadly*

Tae-I will Take care of her don't worry.

Ym-No they are mafia and they can't.....*someone tried to shoot her but mistakenly the bullet get into taehyung's chest and he fall there*

Ym-Mr. Kim..... Mr. Kim.....
*those people ran away from there and ym take taehyung to doctor*

*It's been a week taehyung is unconscious*

Jin- I am taehyung's brother and I want to take him to abroad for treatment because I don't think that his health gonna get better here.
*He said to the doctor*

Doctor-But sir...
*jin put his gun on his head*

Jin-I gave you fucking 1 month and now still you are saying no to take him to good treatment huh?
*He shout at him*

Doctor-Sir it's fine you can take him.
*Afraid to death*

*After knowing that taehyung's brother is taking him away for treatment yn went to hospital to see him for the last time but she didn't saw anyone there so she start to search for tae in other rooms but she get bumped in someone and was about to fall but someone catch her*

?? -I know I am handsome but you should not stare at someone's face this shamelessly.*smriking*

Yn-Huh no no I mean I was not staring at your face
*She said standing straight and ran away after bowing infornt of him*

??-She is so addictive.*smile *

*He Walk away from there while putting his hand in his pocket while looking for someone*

?? -Where dud that bastard go?
*Getting irritate*

?? -Jimin I am here.*a boy shout from back*

Jimin-Yah you brat why did you took this look huh? Are you a bride or something?
*That guy gave him death glare*

Jimin-Yah you fucking Jeon jungkook stop looking at me like this.

Jk-I saw yn walking out from here and now I don't want to wait anymore go and talk out with her mother.

Jimin-You are the one to make your men go fire on her and you are saying me to ask her daughter's hand for you. Do it by yourself when you never listen me.

Jk-I can get her by myself too.
*He said rudely and left from there*

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