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Lily- Y-yn the man who kidnapped me was not jun-gkook it was Ji-
*As she was about to complete her sentence, a loud gunshot was heard and there she was laying dead on the bed with a hole in her forehead.*

Yn- LILY?? What the fuck just happened there? *She shouted*

Rai- Queen someone just shouted her on her forehead.*he answered after trying to understand what just happened*

Yn- And you all let it happen? *She shouted at him*

Rai- Sorry Queen but it was a shape shotter , we will get him as soon as possible.*he said making yn pissed off*

Yn- If you couldn't find out who he was then the next second it will be your faith.*she said and hung up the call feeling frustrated.*

Jimin- What happened yn? *He asked after seeing her pissed*

Yn- LILY was about to tell me the name of her kidnapper but he just got shooted in the head.*she said looking on the road*

Jimin- What??*shocked* But there's nothing to doubt as we all know that she was kidnapped by jungkook same like me.*he answered her*

Yn- No she said that jungkook was not her kidnapper and that kidnapper's name also started with  ji. *She said and punched her hand hard on the steering wheel*

Jimin- WHAT??? *He sounded like someone just drop a domb on him*

Yn- What happened oppa? *She said looking at his side only to find him almost sweating.*

Yn- Are you okay jimin oppa?*she asked while being a little concerned about him and gain a nod in response from him*

Yn- We need to inform this all to jhope oppa as fast as we reach the headquarter .*yn said that but didn't get any reply from jimin which was quite suspicious for her but she shrugged it off thinking that jimin needs rest. Soon they reached their destination and yn went inside the headquarter with jimin. She discussed it all with her teammates and jhope. They sent jimin to have some rest to which he also agreed and left*

Yn- Oppa do you think that the kidnapper of lily could be one of us?*she asked him with a hesitation in her voice. She didn't want him to think that she doesn't believe them but it was a little suspicious for her as everything was so messed up and perfectly planned.*

Jhope- Why do you think that yn?

Yn- Lily was about to say someone's name with a ji in start. I know that I might be mistaken but the that person's name start with a J and that's what I am confident about.*she told him whatever was in her head*

Jhope- You mean k!ller possibly could be me or jimin?*he asked her but she nodded her head in no making him confuse*

Yn- It could be jimin oppa. You can't be the k!ller oppa because you will get nothing out of it and also jimin oppa is somehow connected in everything everywhere, like when Lily was kidnapped right.... Jimin oppa was also not found also he left from there and then called me to get him while I just found his car which was burnt with some men also those men didn't know about him and was called by someone else and informed that they will have to get the man from the beach and then when I k!lled jungkook you found a dead body with same tattoos as his but it was not his dead body and when now the kids are kidnapped, he was there on the mansion and he told me that jungkook kidnapped the kids but he is de@d. I k!lled him myself oppa. Even when I was in car with him while coming back, he was trying to convince me for the marriage and when I got a call from lily and she was about to disclose the name , she got shooted also when I told him that she clearly said that her kidnapper was not jungkook and it was someone else who's name starts with Ji , he was shocked and he shouted like someone just threw a bomb on him. Even only jimin knew the address of the mansion where the kids were also his gun was found in Kai's mansion. Lily was also drugged and the drug was only owned by kai but he was dead then there must be someone else to do it, right? It's getting complicated as we didn't found any footage of him going in or exiting Kai's mansion which means someone hacked it all before us and also it can't be a coincident for this much times. I think it's jimin oppa but i hope that I get proven wrong.  *She said explaining the possibilities of jimin being the one but still her heart was so messed up because he helped her when she needed it the most. She was hoping that all this turn out to be some pre planned things so she doesn't has to loose one more close one. She was in her thoughts but just then she felt a tap on her shoulder*

Jhope- I know that everything seems like it was jimin's who did it but not everytime the things we see are right. This could not be a coincidence but it could be a great plan to trap you and get your power as you also know about your enemies. Anyone can do it and also I just hope that you look forward to the persons you met because even a little bit of information can turn everything upside down.  *He said and patted her head before leaving the room to call someone*

Yn- I think jhope oppa is right. Jimin oppa can't do this all to me when he helped me for this long. If he wanted to destory it all then he could have done it earlier too. *She said trying to convince herself*

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