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Yn- I think jhope oppa is right. Jimin oppa can't do this all to me when he helped me for this long. If he wanted to destory it all then he could have done it earlier too. *She said trying to convince herself*

Meanwhile in jimin's room

*He is trying to call someone and walking back to forth wating for them to pick his call up and after some rings that person picked up his call only to hear him almost screaming on the call from the other side.*

Jimin- Did you all do that?  *He asked not even bothering to greet the other person*

?? - What ?? *That person asked being confused after hearing him behave like that*

Jimin- Did you made someone kidnapp lily? Tell me clearly, Are you all trying to get me kicked out from the frame in order to make sure that taehyung has no competition after making his come back infront of yn? *He said whatever was in his mind*

??- I could not understand about whatever you are typing to say. *That person answered him after a sigh*

Jimin- Moon don't try to make a fool out of me. It's impossible that I am getting framed as a villain beacuse of those coincidences. It's impossible for everything to happen around me, making it look like I am the one doing it while I am not.*he said angrily*

Moon- I am not lieing to you jimin and also why would I do anything like that? I love taehyung but I would never do something like that for him to get his love. *She said trying to make him understand that she isn't the one behind all this*

Jimin- Moon you love him more than anything. He is your fre@king Blood brother and I doubt that a MAFIA QUEEN like you would not do something like this for your own brother. *He said and kicked the table infront of him trying to control his anger*

Moon- I told you the truth jimin. I would never do anything like that and by the way why do you think that I did it? * She asked him onwards trying to understand the situation*

Jimin- Lily confessed that she was not kidnapped by jungkook and also that her kidnappers name starts with a Ji . Also she got k!lled by a sharp shooter while she was about to confess the whole name. *He said feeling irritated after remembering about lily and everything that happened*

Moon- Then it can be jungkook to plan it all and make you get away from yn in-order to have her.*she said trying to think of other possibilities which could lead to this situation*

Jimin- He was dead when Lily was k!lled. *He said while closing his eyes and rubbing his tample in-order to decrease the stress and anger he is having at that time.*

Moon- WHAT?? BUT HOW? *she asked almost freaking out after knowing the news*

Jimin- Yn k!lled him and I don't know how.*he answered her honestly*

Moon- ok but still how could you just have a doubt on me? I am not a person who cheats to win .
*She said changing the topic trying to distract herself form the pain which she felt after knowing about the death of someone whom she cherished from her childhood*

Jimin- Because there's no one left after you and your family. *He said feeling irritated by so many questions from her*

Moon- Why do you think that it's us who did it when you have another enemy too.*she said trying to make him understand that her family is not the one to do it*

Jimin- Whom are you talking about? Say it Clearly and don't piss me off like this. *He said to her trying his best to not lose his mind*

Moon- Kai, her best friend. He also has a crush on her, right? He even kept his family background hidden from her in-order to stay with her and not scare her when she was in high school with him. Go and get him. I am sure that he is trying to do all this so that he would get yn.

Jimin- I k!lled him.*he confessed while closing his eyes*

Moon- Huh??*she was caught off guard by this*

Him- Yeah I k!lled him so that i could get yn to marry me sooner but everything got messed up.*he said almost like a whisper*

Moon- And what about yn? What if she get to know and also she is not gonna sit like a good girl after finding out about his murder.

Jimin- I will take care of it .

Moon- What did you do, tell me in detail.

Jimin- I went out from the party and just as I was about to get away with whatever shit was going on in my mind, My car got blast and I got kidnapped by kai's . His men took me to his mansion but in between i sent order to my team using my watch and they controlled the cameras and all while I k!lled him using the plan which I made for jungkook. Everything went fine but I wanted to hide his death so I hired a team of tattoo artists and got them to tattoo his whole body like me and because he and I was almost of same height, it made it look more perfect. After the tattoos were done, i burned his body from many different parts, trying to make it look like it was me who died so that when yn get to know about the dead body she would get  a little bit soft for me and also worried for her kids but she found out about the dead body being of kai's so i had to come back with another plan acting like I am the one who got kidnapped also I shifted the kids from here to somewhere else and tried to put everything on jungkook's name but it failed as yn informed me about his death and now that lily also took a name name similar to mine before dieing.*he told her everything in detail*

Moon- You are the villain jimin, no one is trying to make you look like one. It's all you who is doing these stuffs and then acting all innocent. Now come and meet me at evening and then I will go to meet the kids with you and keep a check on them until everything is fine.*she said the truth*

Jimin- Okay but only if you don't disclose this all to taehyung.

Moon- I wouldn't.

Jimin- Ok then let's meet at 6pm at your mansion. By.*he hang up*

This update is because of jin's birthday

Happiest birthday to our moon
Good night and sweet dreams take care of yourself everyone
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