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Jungkook - It's ab-out t-taehyung. *He shuttered out with having breathing*

Yn - Oh....*she stopped for a second but then continues with* yeah so what? If that's what you have to say then you can say it to me after all I am your goddess Babyboy. *She said and start sucking and licking all over his chest area , wherever he has blood on. She was sucking hard enough to leave hickeys all over making it hard for him to continue talking*

Jk- H-he k!lled his s-sister just some time ago. *He said breathing heavily. His words stopped her movements and made her look at his face with shock painted all over. She was trying to find any kind of reaction which could make her to feel that it's not true. Tae k!lled someone and that someone is his own freaking SISTER. Yn was left shocked and almost lost control over her body but jungkook caught her tightly and then again started talking*

Jk- She was not my real mother but she behaved like one until today. Tae did not k!lled her by his hands but he is the reason behind that. He always was jealous of me and that jealousy made me too heartless that now he doesn't even care about what happened to his sister just because she was a mother figure to me. He can go to any extent in order to see my down fall. He doesn't even care about her d-dead body. She doesn't deserve this all yn.*he said and hugged her down, crying his heart out infront of her while she is too shocked to even react to this all but still she patted his head for a few good seconds and then continued in a sweet and comforting tone.*

Yn- I am sorry for what just happened and don't worry about this, I will get her body back and then we will do her funeral with the respect which she deserves and also we will take revenge for him together, okay? Now tell me one more thing.*she asked while looking at him with so much affection in her eyes. She hated him because he k!lled her love but turned out that he didn't, it was taehyung who fuvked up everything.*

Jk- What do you want to ask ?

Yn- You want to see him die brutally? You want him to regret and make him feel like he lost just before his death, do you? *She asked him in a comforting tone*

Jk- I do but not just him but his whole family.

Yn- Okay then let's get to the work but first I have a bet for you to complete and then you can do whatever you want to.*she said and then he looked at her face with teary eyes, waiting for her to continue*

Yn- I want it to be in my way. *She said and then got off him*

Jk- And what's your way? *He asked her softly while getting off the couch*

Yn- I want him to die out of pain but not from any beating, I want that pain to be unbearable. A pain which we feels when we lose someone close to us. A pain which is capable of turning someone into living corpse. A pain which can't be explained in words. A pain which could not be told or shared. A pain which stays forever, just like the dark scars on our soul. A pain which could make him beg for his death. A pain which could turn him into someone who has no hope for his life. *She explained her way to him*

Jk- I am okay with everything but how will you be able to make him feel all this without any kind of physical pain?*he asked her while back hugging her small body, his eyes were teary yet red in rage for his revenge.*

Yn- You will get to know about this all soon but first come with me.*she said and walked towards the exit of the room. They both entered taehyung's bedroom and saw his bed being all covered in blood. His white bed sheet has turned red by now. His bleeding has not stopped and maybe would not stop until his body has nothing left in it. Yn scoffed after seeing the scene but then she put her hand on her locket. It has an speaker in it and then start ordering her men.*

Yn- I want a doctor at my mansion in forest, also take all of them there and tie them down. And yeah come upstairs and go to the second room you see from the left of the stairs. Open the bathroom and you will get a lady's body there. She isn't dead is what I am amusing right now and even if she is then bought it there too. Also take one female with you and make her change that old lady's clothes and till she is done you need to stay out. Also i don't want any kind of harassment to happen on her body or i would not take a single second in getting your @ss teared off by getting forcefully banged that too day and night. I will make sure that you doesn't get a single second to live your life at peace if I get to know about any kind of assault or harassment happened with her. Yeah also there's a room three rooms far from that woman's and you will find another guy's injured body laying on the bed covered in blood. I want him alive in my heaven {it's her mansion's name}
*Yn normally doesn't k!ll females and if she does then she ends her life on spot. She is really strict about the security of assualt to happen. Jk was shocked but happy after listening to whatever she said.*

Yn- let's go now. I need to prepare a lot and also find out about your sister's dead body followed by my kids. *They both left from there to her house in the forest while her men bought others there just like they were told*

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1.1k+words done
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Double update😘
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