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Next day

Tae- Yn are you ready?

Yn- Yeah I am ready.

*Tae went towards her and show her his boxy smile and then pick her up in his arms and start walking while yn was processing everything. After a few minutes she found herself on the soft seat of car while tae made her wear seatbelt and then k!ss her on her forehead and went towards driving seat*

Yn- Why are you behaving like this?
*She ask him out of nowhere while he was just driving silently*

Tae- Like how?*he asked her like a totally innocent kid*

Yn-Like being lovey dovey and Caring about me. I was nothing to you till now after that party and now from yesterday, out of nowhere you are behaving like this. You didn't even asked me about this kid or anything. Just caring about me with a totally different aura. You are behaving like before but still it's making me feel different, like you are changed and just acting to be sweet.

*She said all her thoughts while he listen to her words carefully and scoff before answering*

Tae- I don't need to ask you about who's child you are carrying in your womb.*he said while his grip tighten on the staring wheel, that much that his knuckles where getting white*

Yn- Do you remember about *tae cutted her off*

Tae *sigh*- I know that it's jk's kid and I also know that maybe now I don't have right on you but.....*he stop the car in between the street and look at yn with eyes full of emotions and took her hand in his big ones*

Tae-But I love you and I can't let you go to him. I meet you earlier and i fall for you earlier. You are mine only mine. I can't see you with anyone else even not with my own brother or should I say step - brother.
*He said while his jaw was clenched*

Tae- Now don't speak too much or you will get weak and also you are not having that much energy to waste in your body so just sleep silently, okay?
*He patted her hairs and she just nodded with teary eyes and start looking out of the window while he again started his car and then again the whole drive was full of silence*

Yn in her mind- You don't remember our best moment tae. You are misunderstanding me. I know you are accepting me because of your love but you will never see our child as your. I want to tell you everything but I am afraid that you will not believe me . I am just afraid of the fact that you will think of me as a gold digger and leave me and my child but i would not hide this for long from you. I can't take risk on your life too. I want you to be safe. I am worried about your life . I can't risk you and our baby because of that devil jungkook. He will kill our baby if he get to know about this.

*She was in her thoughts and then after some time she drifted into sleep*

-time skip to mansion -

*Tae stopped his car and then look at yn, who was sleeping like baby. She went towards her seat and undo her seatbelt and then carry her in bridal style to his room. After reaching her room he put her down on her bed and cover her up fully with blanket after removing her sandles. He placed a kiss on her forehead and then left from there to cook something*

*After about 20 minutes yn wake up and sit on the bed while rubbing her eyes with her small hands. After a few seconds she realised that she is not in her room. She is somewhere else which is not familiar to her. She look here to there and then a photo frame caught her attention. It was picture of her in school uniform. She was sitting under a tree and playing with a dog which she found roaming in her school campus.*

Yn-Who took the picture of mine?

Tae- I did.*he said while leaning on the door*

Yn-Huh? I don't remember that we meet at that time by any chance. Ummm.... Maybe, yeah i was just 12 at that time and i remember properly that I met you first time just some months ago,then how did you get them?*She said with a dumbfounded expression*

Tae-You didn't meet me earlier but it's not same with me. I saw you 4 years ago in your school campus, you were playing with my dog and you both were looking so cute so I thought to click a picture.

Yn-That is your's?*she asked while pointing towards the dog in that picture*

Tae-Yes it is mine.

Yn-It is so sweet and cute and that day too it was being so nice to me. *She said while remembering about that dog*

Yn-What is that dog's name?

Tae- Yeontan

Yn-Wow it's a cute name btw where is he?

Tae- He is at my mom's house. I usually don't live here that's why I had to leave him with my family.

Yn-Oh okay but why are you standing at the door with that tray? Come inside. *Tae nodded and went towards her and then put the food tray on the bed*

Tae- Sit, now let's eat something.
*He said with a sweet smile on his face while yn just nodded and sat beside him. Yn was about to eat but tae stopped her*

Yn-What happen?

Tae-I will feed you.

Yn-Okay. *extremely happy*

*Tae started feeding her while she was eating like a small kid but just then his house door bell rang*

Tae-How can someone come at this house? *He thought in his mind but then shrugged it off thinking that maybe it is his man*

Tae-Finish this till I come back, okay???*yn nodded her head*

Tae-Good gurl.*he said and patted her head before leaving from there*


Hello guys.......
I am not wanting to delay my stories but you all not voting on it and it's painful 🥺😖 so vote on it and don't be a silent reader, tell me did you like my story or not. Byy take care of yourself
Sarangahe 💜
Borahae....... 💜

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