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*Jk open the door for taehyung and he come inside and sat on the bed with a serious face*

Taehyung- you took so long jk.

Jk-Hyung I was wearing my clothes so that's why.
*taehyung just nodded and pat the place beside him, indicating jk to sit there and jk sit beside him*

Tae- I don't want to attend the party and if you want then you can keep it for your girlfriend and you.
*he smile forcefully*

Jk-Hyung just for us na please.
*tae look at jk for some seconds and then nodded. Jungkook hug him being happy but tae just stay still, not even moving a bit*

Tae-Okay then I will be there just for you but I will not stay there for long.
*he said after jungkook back off from the hug*

Jk-Its fine with me Hyung.
*he smile sweetly*

Tae-Okay then for now you take your sleep and I will leave.
*he said and look here to there to find someone but didn't get a single glance of that person aka yn*

Jk-Do you need something Hyung?
*tae come out of his thoughts and look at jk*

Tae-No jungkook I don't need anything. Good night and sweet dreams take care.
*he said and left from there*

Taehyung's pov-
*{ yn you didn't do a good thing by betraying me but still I am happy if you are happy to have jungkook in place of me because as i know he is not that older than you like I was}*

*tae thought in his mind while leaving from there but then he heard some giggles from Lisa's room but they were sounding similar to him and that made his heartbeats uneven for a second yet he decided to peek in by the half open door and he saw yn playing with Lisa. A sweet smile appear on his face after looking at both of them. He stayed there for a second but then his smile fade away after he remember about jungkook and he walk away silently, being hurt and feeling betrayed from the bottom of his heart. For the first time he was suffering through these kind of situation and it all is taking him to the thought of DEATH.*

Taehyung- yn isn't mind and she was not mine and she will never be m-ine.
*his voice cracked a bit*

{Taehyung reach his room but the environment wasn't helping him. It was making him feel suffocated. He gulp down 2-3 glasses of alcohol just to forget the pain but the alcohol wasn't working. That room was looking like a hell to him*

Taehyung-Why did you choose to betraye me yn? Am I not good enough for you?
*he start questioning himself*

Tae- was my love and care nothing to you? Do I deserve to be betrayed like this?
*he said and glup down one more glass of wine*

Tae- I put my life on risk just to have you but you*scoff*what you did huh? You choose to betraye me.
*he start making one more peg for himself when someone snatched the bottle and glass from him making him to look at that person angrily but his angry flew away after looking at that person*

Tae-What are you doing here sister in law?
*he said getting up from his chair*

Yn-Tae are you mad or what huh? You have been drinking from long time yet you are making another peg for yourself when you are not even recovered property.
*tae just chuckle bitterly at her statement and start to take his steps towards the exist to leave the room but yn fastly went there and lock the door behind herself making him stun for a second but the another second her snatched the bottle of wine from yn and went back to his chair being Unbothered of yn's existence*

Tae-Yn you should go or jk will doubt us and he will take it in a bad way.
*he said and start making another peg*

Yn-like I care about this.
*she said and snatch the bottle again and throw it on the ground making it to break into millions of pieces. Taehyung just chuckle at her action and said*

Tae- you have a pretty nice experience in breaking things right.
*he said Pearcing into her soul*

Yn-Tae just don't dare to drink any more. You are not fully recovered.
*she said and start walking away but tae hold her hand and look into her eyes which were showing love for him. He pinned her to the nearest wall of the room*

Tae-Why are you playing with me?

Yn- I am not doing anything like that taehyung.
*she was Unbothered by taehyung being that close to her body*

Tae- you are playing with me yn you are.
*tae said and back off leaving yn and start to walk towards his bed*

Yn-Maybe i am looking like I am playing around but I am not doing that.
*she said but taehyung was asleep till then so she went towards him and slide her fingers in between his soft hairs and cares him and kiss him on his cheeks before leaving*

Yn- I love you so much tae
I love you from bottom of my heart.
*she said and left from there leaving him sleeping*

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