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In the last chapter....

Yn- No appa i can't do that and also jimin oppa is like brother to me, how can I ever marry him? I can't destory his life for my profit.*she said and was about to leave from there but the next words of her father made her world to crash down into pieces*

YF- If you would not marry him then I am not going to accept your realationship with Kai.....

Yn- but he is my brother. *She said with a hurtful tone but her father ignored that all and said*

YF- He is indeed your brother but not real one so if you want him alive then do as i said or you will see him begging for death at the such a young age.

Yn- Me and kai had been best friends from childhood then how can you do that and even it's not like he is not known to you dad and even he is the son of your man then why are you using him just to force me? You know that I have soft spot for my love ones still you are choosing to make me feel heartless by letting kai die beacuse I do not want to marry jimin. *She said looking at her father and her eyes get filled with tears but she didn't let them fall down*

YF- He would not die if you choose to marry jimin and after all you can't live like this for your whole life and also there's no guarantee of me being beside you to support you as your family then why are you thinking so much yn? *He said and looked at her with a guilty expression as he also don't want to force her but the situation is not going on well and he doesn't want to risk it on his only daughter's life*

Yn- Don't you dare to speak a bad word like that from your mouth appa or I will never talk to you and also please try to understand that i can't marry jimin oppa, he helped me alot, he taught me how to fight, he made me feel like I am alive but when it's time to get my revenge you are making me feel like I got betrayed by someone by surviving. I love taehyung and jimin oppa can never take his place in my heart. I can never love him and still you want me to destory the life of that innocent person who helped your daughter day and night and stay by her side just to make her strong enough to fight for herself. I can't appa sorry.
*She said and was about to leave but just then jimin enter the room with a tab in his hands. He went towards them and start talking*

Jimin-Sorry for distributing you both but I have a big news for you all.
*He said and start typing something on his tab and then show it to them. That was an open invitation for mafias and business men and women. It was thrown by Jeon jungkook and as expected everything was going on according to the plan.*

Yn- Great now ask her to get ready.*she said with a smrik plastered on her beautiful face*

Jimin- Done yn, she is ready to be there but for now you need to get ready too. *He said and yn nodded her head*

Yn- I will be joining the party as the sister of Jung oppa. *She said while jimin nodded his head in yes agreeing with whatever she said*

Jimin- Okay that's great. I will be there too and we will first take a look on how the mansion is designed and then we will get the plan ready according to that but for it you will have to wear a necklace with a spy camera and ring with a tracker fitted in it, okay?*yn nodded her head*

Yn- Okay. *Jimin got a little box out of his pocket which had those jewelries. He went towards yn and gave it to her*

 He went towards yn and gave it to her*

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Yn look at the jewelries and then look at jimin. She knew that the design is upto ocean theme and it was making it hard for her to control her emotions after seeing something like this as the love of her life died there but she was also aware that jimin is doing this on purpose so that she doesn't get wasted after seeing something related to this theme in the party or even in her life. She took a deep breath and then mumble*

Yn- thank you jimin oppa.
*She look at the jewelry again and then wear them with a heavy heart but kept her cold face which showed nothing other then hate and the thirst of Revenge for the death of her love of her life and her dear mother*

Jimin - Go and get ready as fast as you can as we need to discuss about something with her. *Yn nodded her head and left to get ready*

*In an hour she was ready. She was wearing a party dress with no makeup. She put that necklace on her neck and went towards there meeting room where her dad, jimin and a girl who was of same age as yn, waiting for her to arrive*

Yn's dress........

*As soon as she enter the room the aura turned dark because of the authority she holds now

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*As soon as she enter the room the aura turned dark because of the authority she holds now. Her gaze can make people pee in there pants*

Yn - Hello everyone, I hope that I didn't took too long in getting ready and made you wait for me.*she said taking her seat which was beside that unknown girl. Yn looked at that girl from head to toe and was amazed as she was looking exactly like yn and why wouldn't she, she had done plastic surgery for looking like yn and it was planned by yn herself. That girl was also dressed in a short party. dress and was looking stunning and same as yn*

 dress and was looking stunning and same as yn*

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Who is this girl and why has yn planned this? Vote for the next part.
Even after having more than 300 views I can't even get 100 votes and that's really demotivating thing for me. I am trying my best to update as soon as I can but you all are not even voting on it and this is making me feel like it's not worthy to write. I had been updating from some parts without even reaching the vote limit because I didn't want you all to feel tired of waiting but when you all don't vote it hurts so please vote.

1.13+ words
100 votes for next part
Good night
And sweet dreams
Take care
See you all soon

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