60 - Warning ⚠️

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Yn- Lick off the blood from my hand. I want it clean like it never got in contact with anything know as blood. *She said with a smrik on her*

Jk- As your wish my lady.*he said and moved his face towards her hand which is covered in blood.*

Yn- Aww , how sweet. I would love to see you licking this off from my hand but first want you to act like my slave and then I would let you lick his blood off from my hand and then I will finally beleive you.*she said trying to make it difficult for jungkook*

Jk- I am up for anything if that could make me gain your trust and love my lady . *he said sweetly and blew a kiss towards her *

Jk- Now free this slut of yours so that I could please you in the way you want my lady. *He said and soon yn opened up his ropes*

Yn- Remove your shirt .*she said as soon as she show him raising up from the chair.*

Jk - As you wish my lady.*he said and start unbuttoning his shirt. Soon he removed it from his upper body and threw it down on the floor*

Yn- Take taehyung to the room and tie him down on the bed , just go and do it as fast as possible and also make sure that you are covered in his blood a little. *She said and walked towards the couch laying in there and sat down like she own this place . Jungkook got back in less then a minute. His chest has some blood droplets on it and it turned her on. She smriked looking at him and then start talking*

Yn- So do you have something to say my dear? *She asked him and he nodded his head as an answer *

Yn- Then you can say that only if you lick this blood off in 10 minutes. I wouldn't mind shooting you in your head if you exceed the time limit even for a single second.*she said and then laid down there dropping her hand sideways, allowing him to come and do his work but as soon as he start walking towards her, she said something, stoping him in his track*

Yn- I would not set up a timer for this and remember this that if I feel bored with it then i will torture you to de@th. So are you ready?

Jungkook - I am ready.

Yn- Great, I love your confidence so now without wasting any more time let's start your work.*she said and he walked towards her , sitting on his knees on the floor and then looked at her face before looking at her hand*

Yn- don't you love your life? I mean look at you you are wasting your time like you have plenty of it while you don't have it and don't think that I know ignore if you exceed the time limit because I wouldn't and I hope that you understand it now. So just get on the work or tell me that you couldn't do it. *She said with a slight smrik on his face*

Jk-  I will love to die if that's you who is going to torture me to death. Every second of it would be the best time of my life for me. And if you ask me about the plenty of time I have been wasting then a death with the last site of you is better then a life without you. * He said and hold her hand which was covered in blood, he look into her eyes for once again and then smile before kissing it.*

Jungkook - I would love to record this moment if I could because you are looking just like how my goddess looks like. You are powerful and beautiful, even this blood and physco side of yours is just perfect as her. And this thing which you call as a test to check if I am even eligible to get your beleive in me is what I call worshipping. *He said and then got up from his place, only to remove his shoes and then dropped down on his knees. He took her hand in his hand and then took the middle finger in his mouth, sucking the blood off from it. He sucked it slowly but surely got it cleaned up as soon as he got it out from his mouth. He then licked other fingers without any problem or even showed any kind of discomfort while doing it.*

Yn- I would have to say that you are pretty good at sucking and licking but how will it feel to suck your own blood. Would you do it for me? *She asked him while sitting up on the couch and then she got the dagger out from her back of the jeans and pointed it towards him but he doesn't back off or even move a little.*

Yn- Wow , impressive. Get up hot h0e and just sit down beside me to get your prize for this amazing work.*she said and he did everything she asked him to do without even saying a single word.*

Yn- I am going to give you the prize and that's when you can tell me whatever you have to say.  *She said and putted her hand which has a little blood on the plan area and spread it all over his chest area and neck area too. It had a little bit of blood on it by now. She then hold him from his shoulder and made him lay down a little bit on the couch and then practically hovered above his body. He was too stunned to even utter down anything. He couldn't believe that she is going to do this all to me. He laid down comfortably and then hold her waist slightly, making sure that it doesn't make her feel uncomfortable. He was worried about her falling off from the couch because of the position she was in right now. She smiled a little before giving a long lick on his neck making him to stop breathing for a while.*

Yn- Are you not gonna say anything now babyboy? I wouldn't give you the chance again. Don't get lost like this babyboy or how would you express out your thoughts to me.*she said and then start licking and sucking down on his neck sensually*

Jungkook - It's ab-out t-taehyung. *He shuttered out with having breathing*

Should I continue with this or just move on into the next scene?

I am really sorry to inform you all that my exams in tution are going to start from tomorrow 💀
Like yeah bro my de@th is near 🤧
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Good night and sweet dreams take care of yourself sweeties.

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