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In the last part

??- Oh so I was right.....?*all of them look in that voice's direction and got shocked after seeing that person*

*Moon look at jhope for confirmation and jhope nodded his head in yes making her feel a bit scared from that person infront of them*

Moon- Jimin listen we can explain this all and......*she got cutted off when jimin raised his hand to stop her from talking*

Jimin- You knew that he is here and he is alive then still you let that soul suffer in so much pain. Why would you do that unnie? You know that I was so harsh on her even after knowing that she is broken from inside and needs support yet i make her practice and fight against those thoughts even after knowing that how brutally she cries for her love and even after listening to her screams. I took her baby away from her and now you are saying that she would not take revenge? I literally snatched her peace and happiness away just so that she would become strong and take revenge from jungkook for her love but why would you do that to her even after knowing that she would become heartless stone who would hate her own self and she would think of herself as the reason of the death of her love. How could you do that to her unnie? How could you? *He said almost grawling on her but jhope hold his hand and start talking*

Jhope - jimin be quite or you will gain attention and also taehyung is here in the party beacuse he wants to see yn for the last time and after that he will return back to Japan. *He said while looking at jimin in low voice so that no one would hear him out loud but jimin got frozen in his place after knowing that taehyung is present here. He was so shocked to even beleive on his ears but just then he nodded his head agreeing with them in low motion while his heart was paining like hell after thinking that soon yn will be taehyung's again. He lost her again and after thinking of this, he got tears in his eyes yet he controlled himself giving his best not to tear up infront of others*

Jimin- I got your point but he careful and i have some important work to do so i am leaving now.*he said and left from there without even listing to there reply*

Moon - Do you think that it is a good choice?*she asked while looking at jhope*

Jhope- I hope that this is a good one or the plan would be ruined.*he said looking at jimin's figure which got vanished in between other business men and women.*

Moon *sigh* - I don't want this little girl to suffer more by all this so do whatever it take to destroy jungkook and also remember that taehyung should not cross his way with yn or the disaster will be there as you know about his condition, right?? *She look at him and he nodded his head in yes*

Jhope- I will make sure, don't worry.*he said seriously*

Rm- Let's get away from each other or we will be suspicious to some.*he said as he felt someone's gaze on him and then all of them start roaming and talking with other business men and women.*

*On the other hand*

*Fake yn was looking here to there so that she could understand the blue print easily as she would also have to supervise a backup group. She was looking at everything trying to have the count of every single person present there as Jungkook's bodyguard. She was looking but just then someone interrupted her, she look at that person and gasp as she show the person who she least expected to be present here . He looked at her and then hold her hand and took her to a room before checking if anyone is noticing him doing it. He took her to a room and then hug her tightly but just in a second he left her making her confuse but the next second he step back , she felt dizzy and just then she fell down on the floor.* 

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