64 - Warning ⚠️

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Yn- Cut yourself or I will change the blades with daggers. *Mrs. Kim nodded her head in no and started planting cuts over her arms. It went on for some more minutes before yn eventually stopped her*

Yn- It's good, put the blade down now.  *She did as she was told*

Yn- Jungkook whom would you like to touture?*she walked towards her table and asked him while Mrs. Kim were bleeding badly yet still sitting on her place*

Jk- Taehyung ofcourse, there's no way that i would choose someone else over my favourite Hyung. *He smriked while answering yn*

Yn- I guessed it already. By the way then let's start the game but don't k!ll him soon beacuse I have a lot to do with him .*she said and walked towards jungkook, opening his handcuffs with a small key*

Yn- Start your work but first let me show you how to do it. *She said and walked towards mrs. kim *

Yn- Choose one hand. *She said as she walked towards mrs. Kim. Mrs. Kim saw her holding a lighter in the right hand while her left hand was empty when she closed it so she hesitatedly choosed the left side one. Yn opened the first infront of her and smiled*

Yn- I know that you think, this wouldn't bring pain which is half way true as getting burned alive would hurt the most but still this one will also be fun.*she said and hold mrs.kim and took her towards the pool filled with water. She hitted her head hard on the side of the pool making it bleed really hard. She then hold her hairs in a tight grip even after mrs kim's useless trys to get free which seemed an impossible task today.*

Jin and tae - stop yn please don't. *They both start begging at the same time while she just laughed*

Yn - Jk I want you to put a gag in taehyung's mouth as he is your target while I will handle jin on my own. *Jk nodded and went towards the table to get a gag and forcefully tied it on taehyung's face and then went back to his seat *

Jin - Stop this all yn . You are not doing a right thing. You have enemity with us so don't take it out on our mother.

Yn- She isn't a mother, she doesn't deserve to be called one. *She said and pushed mrs. Kim's head in water, drowning her down*

Jin- Why are you acting like you care so much about what she did! It doesn't even matter as it's our personal matter and don't act like it was all her mistake. Moon k!lled herself. We didn't force her for tha-  *his words were cutted off by a hard punch which landed on his face. It was jungkook who was punching him continuously, making him to bleed. His nose was broken by now and he wasn't in the condition of speaking anything anymore * 

Jk - My mother didn't kill herself, she was killed by you all. You all are bastards who doesn't deserve to live in this world. You k!lled my mother. You did. *He said while punching him continuously, taehyung couldn't say anything because of the gag in his mouth while jin was no more in the condition of speaking. Jungkook was breathing heavily. Yn threw mrs. Kim and went towards jungkook, pulling him off from jin so that he doesn't k!ll him by punching.*

Yn- Don't k!ll him like this. It's a really easy death for what he did. I will give him what he deserves so beleive me and clam down. *She said while back hugging him in-order to stop him and it eventually worked. He stopped whatever he was doing but he was still breathing heavily*

Jk- you are right yn he doesn't deserve to die this easily. He needs to beg for death.*he growled*

Jimin - Yn and jungkook listen to me for once. *He spoke for the first time even after being in his sense from the starting*

Yn- We will listen to you in peace but for now I need to give them what they deserve and after that it will be your turn.

Jimin- Yn please, just for once , listen to me. I sware i wouldn't even stop you from killing me but for now listen to me. *He said in a begging tone while yn just nodded her head in yes *

Jimin- They didn't shoot her by their own hands. She shooted herself so don't do this with them . *He was acting like a saint so that later he could trick her. He doesn't care about what happens to kim family, the only thing he cares about is his own safety. He is sure that soon his men would reach here finding him . He wants to manipulate yn into thinking that he is pure and after all he is really good with manipulating situations according to his needs *

Yn- You got a point .*she said and walked towards the table*

Jk- What are you even saying yn? They killed moon , they killed my mother and here you are agreeing with this bastard. What happened to you so soon yn? *He asked as he walked towards her and hold her from her shoulder. He was angry after seeing her getting angry on jimin's words*

Yn- Jimin isn't saying wrong jungkook, they didn't shoot her means they didn't k!ll her but.....*she stopped and then took his hands off from her shoulders and then picked up a katana from there and then continued*

Yn- But they saw her killing herself which means I need to punish them for seeing that happening infront of their eyes and jungkook i will really appreciate it if you go and put another gag on jimin because I don't want someone else to guide me when I am in my heaven. *She said and walked towards mrs. Kim who were taking her last breaths *

Yn- Open your eyes and look at me .*yn ordered her who was laying on the floor in a brutal condition.*

To be continued
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I love you all
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Good night and sweet dreams take care of yourself sweeties.

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