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Moon- Let me explain you my dear ex son.

Moon (taehyung's sister or his ex fake mother) - I don't need to trap you because the thing which you are hiding from me or should I say person. He is not even the real kim taehyung my boy. Do you think me as a fool that the Kim family will leave their son and that too the only son of them in some mere mafia's trap? Huh? No my dear ex son. I was sure that it is going to come up so now have caged a fake kim taehyung who just look alike him but *task* *task*
We have caged your real mother. If you don't believe me then check your SMS and you will get the picture of her. She will die soon and I wanted you to meet her before she die so I just thought to call you and tell you that your real mother is alive till now  but she will not be alive anymore. It will be so fun looking at your broken self after all you tried to cage the princess of mafia world.

*Hang up the call while Jungkook start panicking and call his men to save his mother till he reach there. He went from there in deadly hurry.*

*In yn's room*

*She was sleeping on the bed because of the long journey and crying continuously. Everything was looking perfect until she start having a panick attack in her dreams. She start shouting like a child and crying like a mess.*

Yn- Lea-ve him plea-se jun-gkook. Ple-ase let h-im go. Plea-se i will do eve-rything.

*Crying and shouting with closed eyes. Her body was sweating badly and she was clenching on the bedsheet with shivering body. Everything was messed up. Just then the door open revealing jimin. He went towards her and start to shake her body in order to wake her up from that nightmare but nothing was working. She was still shouting like a mad person and after his grip on her body she start to struggle more and the panick attack was increasing every second.*

yn- Let me go or he will die. leave my hand please.

*She shouted while trying to get out of jimin's grip but  her eyes was still closed. Jimin hold her close to himself and tried to hug her but she start hitting him with shaking hands*

Yn- L-et me g-o plea-se.

*Pleading voice while struggling. Jimin was taken back after seeing her state. She was mumbling to these lines again and again. It was being so back after every second. Seeing on other was he hold her from her nape and smash his lips on her while kissing her hungrily but just inorder to clam her down and stop her from mumbling these lines again and again. After some minutes of struggle she start to lose her sense and lose her sense while jimin was still kissing her. He stopped his actions when he find her body against his and then it hitted him that she passed out because of the long kiss. He was feeling a bit happy after doing that but his mind was saying that he did wrong yet he ignored everything and made her sleep peacefully on the bed in a comfortable position and kiss her forehead before going to the couch in her room and laying down on that.
After sometime his sleep open after hearing to the sound of someone's sobs. He looked at that direction and found yn curled up like a ball on the bed sobbing uncontrollably. He went towards her and start to caress her hairs with his hands while mumbling soft words to her. It is almost mid night and she was looking so pale because of continuous crying and her mental health + panick attack. She look at him and hug him tightly while sobbing on his shoulder like a small baby.*

yn- O-ppa pl-ease save him.*crying*
I beg you please.*sob*

Jimin- I will save him princess now stop crying and got to bed, okay?

Yn- no I don't want to sleep. I want you to save him, please.

*she join her hands infornt of him and start begging him to save taehyung while his heart was aching after seeing her in this condition.*

Jimin- I will save him at any cost but for now you have to sleep and also don't forget that you are carrying a soul in your womb so don't behave like this.

*She nodded her head and he made her lay down on the bed and after some seconds he start to went towards the couch but she hold his hand and stop him from leaving*

Yn- Ple-ase don't leave me alone oppa
I am afraid, Please.

*He nodded his head with a sweet smile and lay down on the bed beside her and with that both of them fall in sleep*

100 votes are not done but still it's a gift for you all enjoy

100 votes for next part

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