65- Warning ⚠️

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(  if you all doesn't want to read the k!lling scene then please skip this part because it is going to be brutal in my way  )

Yn- Open your eyes and look at me .*yn ordered her who was laying on the floor in a brutal condition but didn't dare to move a inch. Yn laughed and said

Yn- I thought that you would be a little strong but I am really disappointed after seeing you acting all scared from me. I think I should start to do my work. Shouldn't I ? Well wasting time isn't my thing so let's end your chapter now. *She said and then kicked her body, making her lay on her the back. She pointed her katana towards her eyes which were closed. Mrs. Kim was even scared to move. She pushed the katana deep in her left eye and then start moving it in circular motion maker her eye ball to get destroyed. Mrs. Kim was trying to get her katana out from her eyes by holding it and trying to push it upwards but yn pushed it down once again and then pulled it out.*

Yn- Let's see for how long you would survive . *She sat down infront of the bleeding body of Mrs Kim and then hold her up from her hairs , dragging her towards the pool again. She then threw her body in the pool. Mrs. Kim start trying to get out from the water but it was hard because of her body's condition. Yn laughed and then went towards jin and then start putting cuts on his hands and legs using katana *

Yn- Let's have some fun babyboy. *She said to jungkook and he nodded before taking a gun from the table and went towards her direction.*

Jungkook - What should I do to him? *He asked while rubbing his chin using the gun, acting like he is thinking about something*

Yn- Whatever you like. *She said and then start moving the tip of katana towards his thigh. His clothes were getting ripped off with his skin as yn was applying a little bit of pressure while dragging the Katana*

Jk- Give me the katana for once. *He said while putting the gun in the back of his jeans *

Yn - I want it to be fun or I will k!ll you instead of him. *She said forwarding the katana in his direction *

Jk - It would be fun darling, don't worry and if it would not be then I am ready to die . *He said and stabbed the katana in jin's right thigh. Jin screamed on top of his lungs while blood splashed all over them . Yn smiled being impressed from whatever jungkook did *

Jk- Did you like it darling ? Or should I show you something else ? *He asked while moving the katana here and there in his flesh while yn just smile and chuckled at his words yet still answered with a *

Yn-  I will definitely say that your first strike was impressive but still i would like umm no I would LOVE to see further babyboy. *She putted her hand on his shoulder and start moving her hand in a gentle manner *

Jk- What would you like to see Darling ? * He said and got it out *

Yn - He speaks a lot and I don't like people being loud while I am getting pleasure. *As soon as she finished her sentence, jungkook moved the katana towards jin's face and dragged it left to right, making his cheek to cut open. He hold jin's face and then opened it forcefully even when jin was trying his best. Jin was moving a lot inorder to get away from the situation but nothing was working. Still he was not letting jungkook to get a hold of his tongue.*

Yn- Let me help you my baby boy. *She said and then put got her heel out from her right foot and then pushed it's sharp tip in jin's thigh which was stabbed down by a katana some seconds ago and it's the end for jin. His guts went down and jungkook opened his mouth and then hold his tongue out between his fingers and then dragged the blade down on his tongue, getting it seprate from his body . He hold it in his hand and then smiled while looking at yn *

Jk - Thank you so much for helping me sweetheart and I am sorry for getting your heel dirty in this process . * He said and then planted a kiss on her forehead *

Yn - That's fine babyboy but what will I wear now ? *She asked with a grin on her face , acting all innocent *

Jk - Wait a second sweetheart.* He said and pulled out the heel from jin's thigh making the blood to flow out more rapidly than it was doing before. And then sat down on his knees and hold her right foot in his hand gently but then stopped in between . Yn looked at him confused *

Yn- What happened babyboy why did you stop ? Make me wear it . *She asked while caressing his soft silky hairs , he looked at her face and the said *

Jk - But it's dirty darling .* He said sweetly and then start moving the tip of her heel which was covered in blood on his jeans, trying his best to get it cleaned. After sometime it was in better condition but still he wasn't satisfied with the results so he kissed her right foot and put it down gently, and then hold her left foot to remove the other heel from her foot so that it doesn't make her feel dis-balanced. Yn looked at him puzzle from what he was doing and then said *

Yn - What are you trying to do babyboy ? 

Jk - I don't want you to wear these dirty heels. For now sit on the chair and wait until I order a new pair for you . * He said and then putted the other heel down beside the first one and then planted a kiss on yn's left foot like he did on the right one and then got up from his position and then picked her up in his arms and walked towards the couch which was kept there on the side. He putted her body on it*

To be continued
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Good night and sweet dreams take care of yourself sweeties.

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