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Yn- Surely, You will get a kiss on your chest but not by me but by me favourite SCREWDRIVERS.
*she said again gaining that smrik on her face*

Jk- I would love it.*he smiled towards her and then start whistling while walking closer to her.*

Yn- Where's lily? *she asked him trying to keep herself clam until she get her back safe and sound*

Jk- Where's my gift first?*he said while ignoring her question only to get on her nerves while she just chuckled shortly and said*

Yn- How could I forget a gift for my inspiration in this dark world.*she said pointing out on the point that he is the devil and now she is on the same side as his, a she-devil who is much more crule than him*

Jk- Let's not talk about it so tell me where's my gift? *He said trying to change the topic*

Yn- In the car. *She answered him with no interest but just as he heard her reply , he felt himself getting a little shocked because he never thought that she would bring him any kind of gift at all, not in this whole life time but he was happy after knowing that she got a gift for him and ran towards the parking area of his mansion to fetch his gift out of her car. He was too much excited to know about what she got him.*

Jungkook - Sir down princess and i will be right back after picking up my gift but don't try to pull any kind of stunt or your dear Lily would have to face the consequence for it.
*he said and love from your warning her but what he didn't notice was a smrik on her face making her look like a she-devil *

Yn- It will only happen if you walk back into this room, right? *She said to him but he could hear it because of the excitement he had in his head for the gift which she got him*

*He run off towards the place where all of the cars were parked. He look all over them and just in a second something made him curious and that was an ambulance parked just 100 metres away from her cars. It was strange but he shook his thoughts off and start walking towards the cars. Just in some seconds there was a big blast in the car and all the cars got blasted and destroyed . The fire was all over and the men of jungkook and yn was fighting not knowing who actually died in this and who was behind this blast was also a mystery to both teams. People were dieing the bullets were getting fired non stop from both sides. Soon the she-devil itself came out of the mansion and shot down two men of Jungkook before shouting*

Yn- Your boss is dead and now his territory comes under me so throw down your weapons and get on your knees, EVERYONE .
*Just as she announced that Jungkook is dead his whole team threw their weapons and got on their knees as per Yn's order. She looked all over the cars which were burning and smriked.*

Yn- Go find Lily and get her out of this mansion as soon as possible.
*She ordered her men and then went towards those who were on their knees as per her order.*

Yn - Who is the most trustworthy man of Jungkook? *She asked while looking at all of them in a deep voice with a scaring aura but none of them answered her question which pissed her off so she pull out her gun and hold it on the head of one of jungkook's men making him tremble.*

Man- I am not king's most trustworthy man.* He managed to not shutter infornt of her*

Yn- Then who is he? *She asked being irritated*

Man- It's not a he , it's a she.*he said while looking at the floor*

Yn- She?? Oh wow I never knew that my biggest enemy has a woman as his most trustworthy person and what an incredible thing that I never ever get any idea of it . Who is she by the way? What's her name? *She said while taking interest in that woman who is supposedly the most trustworthy person of Jungkook*

Man- We don't know her full name but we know that it's Kings's Mother , Mrs.Jeon .
*He said which caught yn off guard because there's almost no information about Jungkook's mother even on the internet there's literally no information or picture of her or her husband aka Mr.Jeon. *

Yn- I thought that you all would die by my hands but I think that you all are a little lucky today. *She said and then went towards her men*

Yn- Arrange me a car and call a meeting so that I can have a comeback as myself in underground world. Also, I want the news of jungkook's death all over the internet in 10 minutes followed by the news of new owner but don't disclose who it is gonna be until I tell you. Now move.*she ordered her men and then went towards the ambulances so that she could know about lily , maybe she would find Lily in one of those ambulance. She reached there but Lily was still not there. Some Nurses were helping her men who are injured because of the recent firing scene. Yn walked a little away and called someone and just as that person picked up her call she start talking to him*

Yn- Did you get lily or not?

Man- Sorry Queen but we could not find her anywhere in this mansion.

Yn- Did you check the basement?

Man- Yes Queen we did it but there's no trace of lily beside her earpiece.

Yn- Track her in 30 minutes.

Man- Queen we tried it just before you called me but that's not helping either.

Yn- How could this even he possible? Fuvk that b@stard is dead but still I am craving to k!ll him again and again in a more brutal way. I want her at any cost.
*She said and cutted the call without even hearing that person's reply*

*She shouted being irritated after not finding lily there but her crusing event got on an end when one of her men came over to her*

Man - Q-queen the ca..r is ready. T-th..is way pl..ease. *she nodded her head and walked over to her car sitting on the backseat of the car and then told the driver to drive the car over to a famous club. On the way to club she dialed Jhope's number so that she could get information about jimin. After some rings, he picked up yn's call.*

Jhope- Hello yn, are you alright? Do you need any backup? *He asked thinking that maybe she needs his help but she just answered with a no and start talking further.*

Yn- I am fine and jungkook is dead by now but I wanna know about jimin oppa, did you get his information?

Jhope- YOU K!LLED HIM? *He shouted his lungs out at her after listening to her causally delivering this news because he thought that she would torture him for his whole life but this was something unexpected.*

Yn- What else was i supposed to do? I k!lled him because I don't have time to wish to piece of shit who reminds me of my weaker version. And also I wants to meet my children as soon as possible so I just don't care about how I k!lled that b@stard or whatever. Just tell me about jimin oppa's whereabouts so that i could meet my children.

Jhope- We did found but his.........


To be continued

Happy Diwali everyone

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