78 Smuth 🔞 ( jk x yn) -{Happy ending }-

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* after an hour he got a call from jhope*

Jhope - Hello, I don't have time to waste on useless things so let me get straight to the point. Where's yn? She isn't answering my calls. I have a really important thing to talk about with her. *He said all the things at once while jk was silent on the other side. He just bites down his lips and said*

Jk- What is that much important that you wanna talk to her in this much hurry? You can tell me too. I will tell her whatever you tell me.

Jhope- Listen jk, let's not play around. I just want you to pass her your phone so that i could talk to her.

Jk- I can't.

Jhope- What?

Jk- I can't pass the phone to her.

Jhope- But why? Don't tell me that she is touturing some new chick now. *He said feeling pissed off  but she still continues*

Jhope- She literally k!lled 96 in these 5 months. Oh damn , Now I feel so tired of babysitting these kids alone when their mother is busy in k!lling. Ahh.... It feels like a headache to me right now. *Jhope mumbles to himself but it still was audible to jk*

Jk- You have the kids?

Jhope- Yeah and that's what I want to tell her. *He said not being in the mood to argue more*

Jk- Bring them over. Yn is not feeling well right now. I think it will be better if you help me out by coming here with the kids. She will feel relieved and happy.*he suggested while jhope went silent for sometime*

Jhope *after almost 2 minutes* - What happened to her? What the hell is happening between you two? Did you hurt her or threaten her about her kids?

Jk- She was about to shoot me but end up getting unconscious because of low bp. I didn't do anything. I was just about to get the best gift from her and about kids then I love them like they are mine. I could never do something like this to them. Bring them over so that they could meet her and it will be better as I will also meet them for the last time. I am hanging up , bye .  *he said and cutted the call before putting the phone back in his pocket. He went inside and saw her all awake. She was sitting on the bed with a hand on her forehead like it's paining. He went towards her and gave her the medicines and then start talking*

Jk- How are you feeling now darling? *He asked in a worried tone*

Yn- Fine I guess.

Jk- Kids are coming here to meet you. *He said and patted her head in-order to reduce the tension between them. She listen to his words and then looked at his hand which has dried blood on it*

Yn- And you plan to go like this infornt of them? Look at your hand, they will get traumatized. Go and get it cleaned and treated right now before the kids come. *He said and looked away, trying to avoid making eye contact with him*

Jk- And what will I get ? 

Yn- What do you want ?

Jk- You sitting on my face is the best so far.

Yn- And what will I get in return.

Jk- Sit on my face and let me eat you out and I will give you whatever you want. *He said in a flirty tone*

Yn- Sure but it will cost you your life. *She said while flirting back*

Jk-  Then strip and come because I am ready to die. 

Yn- I am not going to k!ll you here. It will be so much better if I k!ll you in the funeral hall where we left everything. *She said and bites her lower lip*

Jk- You are really good at flirting Darling. *He said and carried her towards the hall where the funeral ceremony is arranged. He kept her down on the coffin of taehyung.*

Jk- Are you sure that you will be able to k!ll me as I am a sex god myself. *He said and winked at her while she just satted comfortable on the coffin and then man spreads her legs.*

Yn- And i can control every sex god like you.*he said winking back*

Jk- Really!?

Yn- Yep.

Jk- Then why don't you prove me? *He asked seducingly*

Yn- You want me to prove it then got on your four and crawl to your mommy like a good babyboy which you are. Just a single shirt on your body and nothing else. *She ordered while he nodded his head agreeing with whatever she said. He walked a little bit away from her and then start undressing himself. He got his pants off followed by his boxers. His member was semi hard by now . He looked really flustered over the things she is making him do but he is just following her orders like a good boy.*

Yn- I want everything off other then that shirt means EVERY OTHER PIECE OFF BABYBOY. Don't make your mommy to repeat or you will get punishment and that will be really harsh for you and your dick and ass too. *He hurriedly pulled of his watch, necklace, ring and kept them aside . His neck has that electric belt as he couldn't open it until she wants.*

Yn- Now get on your four babyboy. *He just did as he was told*

Yn- Good but I would like it more if you crawl down a little towards the door and make your ass face me.

Jk- As you wish mommy. *He said and crawled towards the backside, making his ass to appear infront of her eyes*

Yn- put your both hands down and get your ass up a little in the air baby boy. *He did as he was told while yn walked towards him and picked up his belt and wrapped it around her fist*

Yn- I want you to moan for mommy and count until 20. I don't want any mistake in between or I will make you start again. Ok baby boy? *She asked and then hitted his ass with the blet gently which provided him pain and pleasure.*

Jk- Ahh...

Yn- Count baby boy , count for mommy or you will end up getting smacked infront of your whole empire.* She said and he nodded his head understanding the seriousness while she just smacked his ass again with the belt.*

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To be continued
Good night and sweet dreams take care of yourself
Please be careful everyone
By by darlings and sweethearts.

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